Chapter 12

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Kalels POV:

I sat in the front of joeys car bawling my eyes at. He eventually stopped at my house and I was about to get out but he locked the car doors.

"Kalel. I need a explanation. What happened in there? What did Anthony do?! I told you he was trouble!"

"Jesus joey!" I screamed, "does it look like I need a lecture right now?" I yelled still bawling. "Let me out." I loudly demanded.

He unlocked the doors and I ran inside my house falling onto my bed still crying. I quickly got out my phone to see a bunch of texts from Anthony. I quickly put his number on do not disturb and texted Meghan.

To: Meghan
Crying and need advice. Please come over.
From: Meghan
I'll be over in 10 min.

Around 10 minutes later I heard a knock and slumped down the stairs still bawling. I let her in and lead her to my room. I fell into her arms bawling my eyes out. "I don't know what to do!" I was crying so hard you could barely understand me.

"Kalel.. tell me what's wrong! I will help you."

I explained to her what happened while sitting on my bed. "I am just so confused what to do." I explained still sniffling and tears falling. "I never even let him explain, and joey seemed more mad and that he didn't even care!"

"Of course joey cares! He was just worried and probably pissed Anthony would do anything. And honestly, there's nothing Anthony can explain. It's obvious what he did and his explaining would just be a bunch of excuses."

I sniffled. "I liked him so much Meghan. Truth is I've always liked him. Even before he teased me in 6th grade I always liked him. But I pretended like I didn't care and that I hated being around him because I didn't wanna get hurt! Because I knew if I actually did fall for him, that this would happen."

She sighed. "There's nothing you did wrong. I have to go because I have work in the morning. But block Anthony, you don't owe him a explanation and he doesn't deserve to give one to you. Also ignore joey until he's calmed down in the morning. I love you. I'm always here."

I nodded and we got up and she hugged me. Soon after she left I went into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my makeup was completely smudged around my face. "Ugh, this is why I never wear makeup." I mumbled grabbing a wipe and cleaning my face, then hopped into the shower.

I gave a good wash for about 20 minutes, then hopped out and pulled on grey sweatpants and a white t shit I combed through my wet hair and put on a tv show. I tried to distract myself and listen to the tv but I couldn't. Anthony fell on my mind every second.

I then heard the doorbell ring. It was joey.

I slumped downstairs and opened the door, I gasped when I opened it. Anthony. I looked at him slumped over, eyes red from tears. "Kalel." His voice cracked from sadness.

I wanted to be mad. I wanted to scream at him and shove him out of my house. But I couldn't. All I wanted to actually to was break down in his warm arms. But I knew I couldn't do that either.

I felt the familiar sting in my eyes and I completely lost it. Crying to myself. In front of him.

"Don't cry." His voice cracked even more. I looked up at him and saw tears run down his cheeks. "I never wanted to make you cry. Please don't cry." And he started to cry more.

"Why would you." I started bawling again, digging my face into my hands.

"I need to explain. Please kalel, I can't loose you."

I shook my head. "I saw what I saw." I sniffed slowly shutting the door.

"Please-" I cut him off by shutting it completely, then falling into my bed upstairs again and having another mini breakdown to myself, barrying my face in my sheets. I don't ever want to go to school, or see anyone ever again.

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