Chapter 7

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Kalel's POV:

I smiled down at Anthony, we were in his room laying on his bed and I was straddling him. We were originally just eating takeout while watching netflix, then we ended up cuddling.

I pulled up the collar of his shirt to make his lips reach mine. This time he was very slow and romantic. that's what I love about him, he's either really rough and passionate or slow and romantic. there was no in between.

"Kalel?" He said looking up at me. "Am I really your first boyfriend?"

He was referring to the time my mom blurted that out to him.

"Obviously not anthony." I laughed. "Your not that special."

He half smirked. "I guess that's good, I would've set your expectations for further boyfriends to high."

I rolled my eyes while smiling.

"Anyways, I've had 3. All during the summer so my mom didn't know."

My phone buzzed and I checked seeing it was from... Joey?

From: Joey
Kalel! Where r u?! It's Saturday.

"Oh shit." I got up and quickly grabbed my jacket. "I have to go."

I ran downstairs but I could hear him following me.

"Wait kalel! At least let me drive you-"

I cut him off by slamming the door.


I remembered that Anthony picked me up.

"Where are we going?" He asked behind me.

"You can't come. My friends will see you," I responded my voice cracking.

"Just let me drive you." he repeated again opening the door for me. I slumped in sighing.


I rang joey's doorbell waiting for him to come out, and he did. He looked a lot less angry than I thought he would.

"C'mon." he said letting me come in. I did as said but first checked behind me. Thank god anthony left in time

"Kalel. what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I responded maybe a little too fast.

"You're not acting like yourself. as much as I just wanna rip your head off right now, we care about you." Joey splat and meghan nodded.

"What do you mean?" I faked a laugh.

"Who seem nervous, almost scared to talk to us."

"Skipping class, being extremely distant, and you always look anxious around us but relaxed anytime else."

"What are you hiding from us?"

I felt my eyes sting but I turned around quickly. "I don't know what your talking about."

And then there was a knock at the door, talk about saved by the bell. Joey answered it while meghan came up to comfort me.


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