Chapter 3

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Kalel's POV:
I slumped to school. My eyes were droopy and had bags. My hair was a mess, and I just slopped on a t shirt and yoga pants. I moaned tiredly as I leaned against my locker.

I could fall asleep about anywhere right now.

"Tired?" Anthony popped up.

"I don't need your shit right now."

I yawned and leaned my back against the locker, looking down with my eyes halfway open.

"Still feisty." anthony chuckled and lifted my chin but I jerked away.

"Stop staring at me." I mumbled.

"Want me to help you to your class, babe?"

"Please stop. I'm cringing. Just leave me alone for a day?"

He ignored my comment still staring. oh. And you might be wondering why I'm tired? Me and Anthony had to stay up till 2 am working on our project.

And were still not done.

"Wait a minute." I said realizing something. "How are you not exhausted?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

He shrugged obviously not caring about what I just said.

"Oh right. You're mr. Perfect." I mumbled to myself.


I looked over weakly... Mari.

"Coming to English?" She said twirling her perfect brunette curled hair on her finger.

"Defiantly." he smirked leaving.

"Finally." I whispered and grabbed my books.

"Hi kalel! Ready for art?" Joey said cheerfully.

Finally! Someone I could stand!

"Ready." I smiled.

"Hey guys. I'm on my way to Spanish I'll walk with you there." Meghan said.

"Did you get any sleep kalel?" She added.

"Shut up." I said laughing then rolling my eyes while smiling.


I rolled up my sleeves and started molding clay around for art.

"I think this ones a keeper."

Joey said showing me his failed attempt of just simply making a bowl. I bursted out laughing. He always cracks me up. We walked to the rest of 2nd and 3rd period until we eventually spilt to go to separate classes.

"Hey girly." meghan said popping up by my locker.

"Hi meg!" I responded cheerfully.

"Me and Joey were talking about instead of buying lunch here we could drive to chipotle. so c'mon."

She grabbed my wrist and we all went into joeys car.

"I love how you don't even ask me." I said laughing.

"Like you have other plans." Joey joked.


We all bursted into laughter and we eventually got to chipotle and started to eat.

"Okay schools 5 minutes away so if we really cram everything in we have about 15 minutes to order and eat."

The line was short because almost everyone was at school or work. We (sadly) had to go back to school. I hoped into 7th period happy until I saw Anthony's smug face. I tried to act like I didn't notice him. I smiled and skipped to my desk and opened my book.

He looked almost offended. I had to bite my lip from laughing. He didn't get a reaction out of me, and that's exactly what he wants.

"Didn't get my afternoon hello." he said sitting on my desk.

I looked up from my book, "hello," I said absolutely flatly, then started to read my book again.

He raised an eyebrow. "You know we still have to finish out project."

"Do you have to be so loud." I snapped.

"There's my kalel." he smirked.

"Shut up, idiot."

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