Chapter 16

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Kalel's POV:

I pulled into my drive way with tears streaming down my face. I dragged myself into the house exhausted.

"Kalel Kalel Kalel!! Tell me everything, I talked to Mrs. Padilla, oh she's so nice! So how's Anthony? I always knew you two had something special going on."

I put on a fake smile. "Everything's great Mom, thanks for letting me eat there, truth is we didn't really get to studying so I should probably go do that."

"Okay honey. Oh, before you leave, Meghan came to the door."

"Huh? Meghan? Why?"

"Well... doesn't she always? Anyways I told her you were busy."

"Oh... okay. Thanks." I jogged upstairs and looked at my phone. No notifications. Usually after a disagreement Anthony would be blowing up my phone, but I didn't expect him to this time. I called Meghan instead, she quickly picked up.

"Hey kalel!"

"Meghan, why'd you stop by? Did you need to grab your clothes or something?"

"No! Kalel, I'm sorry. A true friend should stay with you through anything. Even though I don't... like your decision. I support it."

"Oh, uh thanks."

There was a awkward silence which never happened to me and Meghan.

"Soo... how is he?"

"He's fine." I lied. "How's Joey?"

"He's... fine aswell. Just kind of mad at you still. But I'm sure he'll come around."



"Listen, im actually going to go over to his place now, I'll talk to you later okay?"


Meghan hung up the phone and I sighed. I looked at my notifications again, still nothing. Maybe I really did screw things up this time.

I decided to fall asleep early that night.


I woke up the next morning and never dreaded school more. I made up to my mom that I wasn't feeling good and spent the whole day laying around in my pajamas watching tv. Still no notifications on my phone. Not from anybody.

The next day I woke up not wanting to go again, but I had to. Today me and Anthony had to present our project. Great timing.

I walked to school and flew through the first couple classes. I didn't walk to art with Joey though. Or math with Meghan.

Eventually lunch rolled around and I bought my food, but found no where to sit. I glanced towards Meghan, I smiled at her, she gave me a small wave , Joey shot me a scowl. I even looked towards Anthony's table. We caught glances but he pretended not to see me. Suddenly I felt my heart sink. He was sitting next to and talking to Mari.

Waves of anger and betrayal washed over me. I suddenly lost my appetite and threw my lunch away. I ended up going to the library.

Eventually English rolled around and I was dreading it.

On the other hand, maybe this would give me and Anthony a chance to talk.

I walked in holding our project. I didn't see Anthony at my desk, instead he sat at his own talking to Mari. He looked bored and uninterested.

I rolled my eyes and sat down at my desk and waited for the teacher to start talking.

"Okay class, today is presentation day! Get with your partners for 10 minutes to touch up last minute details and rehearse and then all groups will present."

I hesitantly walked over to Anthony's desk. "Hey." I whispered.

"Hey." He sighed. "So I'll talk about the first half of the poster and you talk about-"

"We don't need to rehearse."

"Then why are you over here?" His voice was harsh and cold.

"Yeah? Why are you over here?" Mari mocked.

"Shut up Mari." Anthony defended.

I walked back to my desk and sat through boring presentations. I've never seen Anthony act so cold towards me.

We were up next. I took a deep sigh and walked up to the front of the class holding a poster.

"Anthony, you're up." The teacher called.

He rolled his eyes and walked up. I finished talking with nothing on my mind but Anthony. I watched him out of the corner of my eye the whole time. It was Anthony's turn and he was silent.

"Anthony?" I turned to him.

He stared at the ground, then looked up and me and threw our poster down and stormed out the classroom. I followed him out.

"Anthony!" I called running behind him.

"What Kalel!" He snapped, yelling at me.

"Listen I know you're mad-"

"For gods sake! You tell me to let you go, I do it, and you think I'm mad. No Kalel, I was mad. Now I just don't care. So just leave me alone. Stop trying." And with that, he marched straight out the school.

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