Chapter 8

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Kalel's POV:

"What are you doing here?" Joey huffed.

Anthony He looked at me waiting for a signal or something to tell him it was okay to tell them. He didn't get it.

I wasn't even ready to tell my parents, let alone my bestfriends who hate his guts just as much as I used to.

"I'm checking on Kalel." he muttered still looking at me.

"Okay pretty boy, we're all done with your bullshit. You've been bothering Kalel for years, get the hint. She'll never fall in your trap."

I stayed silent looking away from all of them.

Then something weird happened. Joey and Anthony both say "Kalel", at the same time.

This time Joey held my shoulders making me face him.

"Tell me you've not fallen into his trap."

"I have to go." I ran out bawling my eyes out.

"Kalel!" This time it was Anthony.

"Why in hell would you tell them?!" I snapped angrily.

"Kalel they were gonna find out sometime! you can't just hide this."

"I wasn't ready Anthony." my voice crackled and I turned away again. "Please just leave me alone."

"At least let me drive-"

"No!" I sniffed. "Don't follow me."


I sighed realizing this wasn't me. I was skipping school for what? A little fight? Not even that. If Joey and Meghan are really my best friends, which of course they are, they'll understand.

I grabbed out my phone to text Anthony.

To: Anthony
I've had enough alone time. Can you come over?

I was about to send it when I heard my door creak open.


"Your mom let me in."

I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, digging my cheek into his chest. I could tell he was surprised because he was tense, but eventually relaxed and comforted me back.

"I'm sorry Kalel. I really missed you today."

I've always seen apart of Anthony that's hot, irresistible, and sexy. But he actually looked sensitive and sweet.

I only blushed. "Joey and Meghan can get used to it."

I handed him a controller and we just played video games the rest of the time, which made me feel a lot better.

"You look really damn good today." he remarked.

I honestly looked horrible. Sweatpants, t shirt, messy bun and glasses.

"I made you look up from a video game?" I joked.

He shrugged. "The video game was really an excuse for you to sit in my lap." He smirked.

Anndd there's my idiot.

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