Chapter 14

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Kalel's POV:

I walked into school with Anthony's arm wrapped around my shoulder. I felt protected from everything until I saw joey and Meghan, they were faced away from me so (thank god) couldn't see anything. I swatted his hand away and hurried to first hour without running into them.

Lunch came around and I ate in the library. Anthony offered to eat with me but I told him it was okay if he wanted to be with his friends. I was half way munching through my peanut butter and jelly sandwich when I heard familiar voices skip in.


I looked up to see just who I thought it was.

"Hi joey. Hi Meghan."

They both had their arms crossed. "Why are you ignoring us? What the hell is going on, no excuses this time."

"I don't really feel like talking about it."

"Yeah yeah. No more excuses is what I said. You owe us a apology."

While me and joey went at it Meghan stayed looking down silently. "You made up with him?" She finally blurted out.

"How in the hell did you know?"

"So you did? And I didn't, not until just now." They both had anger in their voices that intimated me. Usually it was Meghan backing me up when joey would snap at me but now she was on his side.


"Whatever. Next time he breaks your heart, don't call me to come pick you up. And don't depend on Meghan for advice."

I watched them both storm out of the library. I sighed and laid back. I looked down and felt tears run down my cheek. What do I do now?


I packed up my things after 8th period and rushed to my locker. Finally the end of the day, it felt like it dragged on forever.

I was in the middle of stuffing binders into my backpack when Anthony snuck up and leaned on my locker door shutting it. "Hi." I smiled.

He smiled back and was about to say something before he stopped and hesitated. "Shit. I think your friends are looking at us."

I turned around where he was looking and saw joey and Meghan whispering to eachother and giving me a dirty look. "It's fine." I sighed. "They know."


"They know." I repeated sighing.

"Well... I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead." I answered as we both started walking towards his car.

"I want you to meet my parents."

My bright smile faded. "Anthony." I paused by his car. "I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"What? Why?" He seemed really surprised.

"Cause.. uhhh." We got in his car and he begun driving. "I'll just be honest. I want to take things slow after.." I watched his jaw clench when I paused and he gripped the steering wheel. It was kinda hot seeing him frustrated. But it ruined it knowing that he was only frustrated in himself for kissing someone else. "Maybe when we're a official couple."

"We.. aren't?"

"Well. You never really asked me out... and... after what happened I just need some time to think."

"Yeah I know." He sighed. "But kalel, im gonna wait this time. I've wanted this for so long, you have no idea. And I agree with taking it slow but if never liked a girl so much to take her to my parents, except for you."

I stared out the window. Not sure whether to believe him or not. All I knew for sure is that I really liked him, but I didn't want to get my heart broken again. "Do you want to come back to my place? I can rent a movie."

"I have a lot of homework." I sighed, "could you just drop me off?"

"Whatever." He muttered frustrated then stopped at my driveway. I got out and immediately went upstairs.

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