Chapter 13

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Kalels POV:

I fell out of sleep by the sound of my alarm and stretched across my bed. I rolled over to turn it off and by habit, checked my messages. I realized I still had Anthony and joey still on do not disturb. I sighed and looked through their texts.

From: Anthony (13 unread messages, 7 missed calls)
I need to explain
Don't leave me I need to explain!
Come over, please!!!
That's it I'm coming over
I love you

The last one stuck with me. I felt myself tearing up again and I quickly deleted them. Then, opened joeys.

From: joey (4 unread messages, 3 missed calls)
Kalel you need to tell me what happened now!!
I'm your best friend still, even though you're starting to get really different.
sorry I'm mad, but I'm worried
Please respond. Can we meet up and talk?

I sighed and deleted those too. I finally got up and changed into a big black sweatshirt and some shorts. I kept my glasses on not even bothering with contacts, because who knows how much I'm gonna cry once I see Anthony again. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and headed out the door.


I shut my locker. So far so clear. No seeing of joey or, more importantly, Anthony. I did see Meghan though. And she has been helping a lot to keep me distracted.

Spoke too soon. Across the halls I saw Anthony laughing with his usual group. Ian, Melanie, and... Mari. My heart felt like it just got shattered into a million pieces. He was still talking, laughing with her. Acting like nothing happened.

Then I guess I was staring for too long because he caught my eye and starting running towards me. Shit.

I turned around to Meghan. "What do I do?" I started freaking out. "I think I'm gonna have a panic attack."

"Shhh.. stay calm. Do you want me to get rid of him?"

I shook my head. "I'm gonna have to do this sooner or later."

I felt my waists being grabbed by 2 familiar hands and being pulled towards Anthony.

"Anthony." I gasped. The word stung as I said it.

"Please. Leave school with me."

"I can't skip anymore!" I snapped turning away and crossing my arms.

"Kalel. I can't stand it anymore. I need you."

"You need me? Well excuse me! I'm sorry that you had to cheat on me! Jesus Anthony I'm not just gonna be your doormat and come running everytime you need me."

"That's not what I meant. Kalel, I know it looked bad, but nothing happened!"

I turned to him with tears in my eyes, and the most disgusted face I've ever given him. This is the most disrespect I've ever felt for a person. "I'm not stupid." I said as my voice cracked.

"Mari was wasted. She asked me on advice for ian. I told her ian liked Melanie and she grabbed my face and kissed me... I'm still trying to figure out why. Maybe because she felt so lonely. She's liked ian for a long time now and he always overlooks her as Melanie overlooks him."

I stared at him, arms still crossed. "Is that true?"

"I swear. I don't think of Mari like that. She's been my friend since 5th grade. But I love you."

I stared at him, a tear dropped. This time is wasn't just for sadness, but for both happiness and sadness.

"You love me?" I blushed.

"I love you."

I was tired of avoiding him, his arms were my safe spot and they were the only place I wanted to be right now. I collapsed into his arms.


I swung my backpack over my shoulder and he was standing there. I smiled at him and hugged Anthony again. His warm arms felt better than anything right now. I know he is who I should be mad at, but I can't stand it.

"Lets go to my house. I'll drive you home." I smiled and we chattered all the way to his car.

I hopped in and he drove us to his house.

"Could we go to mine? I kinda wanna change I look like shit today."

"You look gorgeous." He smiled, placing one hand on my thigh but still keeping his eyes on the road.

I blushed and stared out the window smiling listening to the music until we arrived to his house. we eventually got there and walked in and went to his room.

"Wow. Just realizing I've never been here before." I looked around Interested. "Your rooms like 3 times the size of mine. And your bed is huge." I watched him smirk and I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I collapsed on his bed and sighed after a tiring day. He crawled in with me. I sat next to him as he played a tv show.

"Hate to ruin this cuddle sesh, but you could pleaaaasse get food?" I smiled and begged.

He sighed laughing. "No problem. I'll make some popcorn." He got up at left and I hopped to the bathroom checking out how I looked. I shrugged. Still bad, but I don't think Anthony minded at all. He came up awhile later with popcorn and drinks in his hand.

He laid back down and this time I rested my head in his chest and snuggled up next to him. My tiny body snuggles up on his. He just chuckled and just played with my hair while we both watched tv.

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