Chapter 17

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Kalel's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since me and Anthony have last spoken. I've been pretty lonely those 2 weeks. Not only have I had no boyfriend, but no friends either.

Me and Meghan were friendly, but not best friends like we used to be.

Joey still wouldn't talk to me.

And even though me and Anthony were over, I couldn't help but feel worried about him. He was skipping school, and when he would show up he was picking fights or just getting himself in trouble. Even though he hated me right now, I still cared.

I probably always will.

It was a Friday, I just got home from school and I laid across my bed studying, since I had nothing better to do. U heard the familiar purr of Anthony's car from. my open window. I knew that sound from anywhere.

I ran downstairs and outside and watched him swerve around into my front lawn.

"Anthony! Oh my god!" I screamed, I ran over to his car, his windows were rolled down. "Anthony! Are you okay? Why are you driving crazy?"

I watched him pull out a bottle of whiskey and chug it down. He tried to speak but all came out was muffled words.

"Anthony are you fucking insane! What are you doing driving drunk?" I screamed into his ear.

"I don't care Kalel! I fucking don't care about anything anymore!" He screamed back, raising the bottle back up and taking another swig. I grabbed the bottle from him and smashed it on the sidewalk.


"You fucking bitch! I fucking hate you Kalel, you ruined everything! Why'd you have to ruin everything?" He stammered.

"If you hated me you wouldn't be here! Now get out of the car dumbass."

"No, you're crazy!" He slurred.

I ran around and hopped into the passenger seat. "You wanna risk your life? Fine. Then you're risking mine too."

"Fine!" He screamed. I got out again and helped him out of his truck, he fell out and face planted into the sidewalk.

"Get up Anthony! The neighbors are gonna call the cops you have to get up!" I tried to get him to his feet but was struggling, I eventually just dragged him by the feet into my house.

Thank god my mom was gone for the weekend.

I helped him onto my couch and ran to the kitchen. I poured a big cup of water and some bread. That's when I heard a gagging sound. Uh oh.

I saw Anthony bent over puking on my carpet. "Shit Anthony." I gasped. He groaned and slumped over the couch. I sat beside him and made him drink the water. "I guess we don't need the bread." I sighed placing a cool washcloth over his face. "I've never been this drunk anymore, I don't really know what to do."

"You're doing great. Too great." He whispered. I looked at him as I placed the washcloth over his forehead and he stared into me. That's when he clashed into me and kissed me, I was frozen. His hands explored my body and groped me harshly as his tongue, teeth, and basically whole mouth slipped into mine.

I gagged at the taste of his sour breath and pulled away. I shoved him off of me and got up. "You're a mess! You're a fucking mess Anthony."

He looked up to me with sad eyes. "Why'd you have to ruin everything?" He repeated the same phrase in the parking lot.

"I- I didn't do this." I stammered and ran upstairs. I slammed my door and cried myself to sleep.

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