Chapter 18- finale

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Kalel's POV: I woke up the next morning and Anthony was gone, so was his truck and his puke stain which I'm guessing he cleaned out of my white carpet somehow. The day rolled by slowly and eventually the sun was setting. I spent my day thinking a lot.

I climbed out my window into the cool air. I sighed laying down and heard some shuffling and then my window being opened again, which scared me for a second. I turned around. No way.


"Hey." She responded almost shyly.

"Hi." She sat next to me on the roof and looked at the sun set with me. "How did you know I was up here?"

"We always come up here." She smiled.

"Used to." I corrected her.

"Yeah listen Kalel... I feel so shitty. I've been a really bad friend. I know I apologized but you've had a rough couple weeks. I should have been there for all of it. And someone else wants to say sorry."

Before I asked any questions the window opened again and out popped, to my surprise, joey.


He struggled climbing out the window "how the hell do you get out here?" me and Meghan laughed.

I haven't laughed in awhile. It felt good.

He crawled over to us. "Hey."


"I'm sorry Kalel. For everything. Dido to what Meghan said."

I laughed. "I've made a lot of decisions guys. I can't explain why." I explained looking out to the sky.

"You're in love."


"We respect any decision. No judgments ever again. We promise."

I smiled at both of them. "I have to go." I crawled out back into my room.

"Um... hello? I'm saying how much I love you and your leaving now?" Joey joked.

I laughed. "Sorry. Stay here. I have something to do first. I'll explain later."

I ran downstairs before even hearing their reactions and hopped in my car and drove.

I drove and finally stopped in front of a too- familiar house. I took a huge sigh and got out. I knocked on the door and watched it open.

"Kalel." Anthony answered and his eyes lit up for a second, then I saw guilt flush to his face.

I smiled. "Anthony."

"Kalel. I'm so sorry. About everything. I was a wreck without you. I can't forgive myself until you forgive me. You don't understand how much I love you. I am in love with you Kalel Cullen." I stood as Anthony confessed his love to me and felt a happy tear fill my eyes. "But you can't imagine how sorry I am."

"I know you are." I smiled.

He smiled back. "I missed you so much. I love you." He repeated.

"I love you too."

I watched his face fill with relief.

"I love you so much Anthony. Which is why I have to let you go."


"When I finally got to know you, I let my guard down. I let you in and loved you, and you cheated on me. You betrayed me, and then flaunted Mari in school right in front of me. How could you do that Anthony?"

I watched tears stream down his face. "Kalel." His shaky voice cracked and I could tell he was minutes from completely breaking down. I never knew I would have that effect on him.

"And then last night, you forced yourself onto me. You kissed me when I knew I didn't want to kiss you. I missed you so much Anthony. I spent months wanting you, and then weeks missing you. So I guess when you finally kissed me last night, I realized that I loved you. I loved you but I don't need you. I love you too much that it's toxic to stay with you after all the horrible things you've done to me."

I felt tears stream down my face but they felt good. I felt relieved. Like a million pound weight had been lifted of my shoulders.

"Ever since that night you cheated on me, I have been holding on for dear life, now it finally feels good to let go."

I watched him completely breaking down and almost fall to his knees bawling. "Kalel, you- you can't let me go again."

"Goodbye Anthony."

I kissed his cheek for the last time and walked off his front door leaving him to weep as I drove away.

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