Chapter 6: The neighbourhood

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Y/n to yourself: How is Korea looking after 8 years? Well i guess i'm about to find out.
The plane has landed in Korea. You have no glue what is about to happen and what you will see when you get off the plane. You walk off the plane. You see all the Korean characters again, and you can read them all!
Y/n to yourself: So i do remember how to read Korean. Cool.
You see your dad walking to the parkinglot.
Y/n to yourself: We don't have a car, right? We were gone for 8 years. No way we have a car standing on the parkinglot.
After about 5 minutes walking to the parkinglot your dad finaly speaks up.
Dad: Okay you guys stay here. I'm going to get our ride ready.
Y/n: Dad we don't have a car, right?
Dad: No we have. I payed for a car place for about 8 years.
Tyra: Hahah no way! You really did that!
Dad: Yes because i knew we were going back at some point.
Your dad walks away to get the car while you and Tyra stay at the spot your dad said.
Tyra: I don't like it here. I can't even read what that sign is saying!
Y/n: Hey you will learn Korean pretty fast i think. It's your home country so i think you will be able to read and speak Korean pretty fast, Don't worry.
Tyra: Nahh still don't like it here.
Y/n: Well you need to life with it because i don't think we are ever gonna leave again.
You see your dad driving to wards you two. He stops and you load all 3 suitcases in the car and then get in.
Dad: Okay guys it's gonna be a 3 hour drive if there is travic and if not it will be a 30 min drive.
Y/n: that isn't even right i think how can it be a 30 min drive without travic and with 3 hours?
Dad: You don't wanna see travic on the roads because you can't even drive if there is travic.
Y/n: Oh....... Okay
Tyra: Okay well imma sleep because i couldn't sleep on the flight to here.
Y/n: Okay sleep well Tyra.
Dad: Y/n do you like it here until now?
Y/n: Dad we are in Korea for like what 10 minutes? But yes i do like it here because i didn't expact that i could still read Korean.
Dad: That's good! We will be looking for a collage some were this week.
Y/n: Alright, are we going to live in our old house?
Dad: i guess so because we don't have anyother place to go.
Y/n in your thought: Oh then i could look for that boy on the picture.
Y/n: Dad?
Dad: Yes Y/n?
Y/n: Does the family of my friend from the past still live in that neighbourhood?
Dad: I don't know hun. Maybe they do.
Y/n: I guess i need to find that out.
Y/n to yourself in your thoughts: Yoongi? I will look for you even of it takes two years!

Childhood [FF] Suga x Reader COMPLETED Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang