Thunderstorm x Khai

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Anoter request!! From khai_nissa hope you like it..

This is time for school... And yeah.. Monday.. The most hated day for author's_-

(Reader:Oy!! Author!! You wanna made a story or what?!
Author: Gezz ya.. Ya... Now shuu~
Reader:Just continous already!!!)

So... A girl named khai went to her school.. But,when she's walk.. She bump to someone.. And who's know~ its her crush.. A boy with ruby eyes.. An Karate's master... And Mr.Grumpy... Boboiboy Thundy~

(Reader:*hold knive*Seriously author!!
Reader:Just to the line and be serious!!
Author:-_- i'm tge author or you're tge author? Oh... God..)

Boboiboy Thunderstorm.. The popular Kid. Khai was about to apologise but get scold by him...

"I'm sorry!! I didn't see you!!"Khai said with a red and tomato face."Cih... When you walk... You must see the around!!"Thunder said."Well,i'm sorry!!"Khai yelled.

"Never mind.."Thunderstorm said and walk away.

Thunderstorm's POV

Urgh!! Why am i scold her? I'm so bad!! I should ask her to go to school with me!! Stupid thunder!! Hope i can confess her.. But,how? If i tell the trio they will shout like the hell_-.. Quake? No!! I will do it by myself!!

Thunderstorm's POV end

Khai's POV

Why he so mean to me? Am i do something wrong? Is he know i like him?!?! Nu!!!! I get regect before confess T^T.. Now,i'm stuck with this friendzone... No! I will not giving up!! Maybe i will act like a 'Don't-Care' person... Yeah.. Maybe...

Khai's POV end

Time skip! At school

"Finally!! I'm arrived!!"Khai said."Morning khai!!"A girl with pink hijab said."Hn.. Morning Yaya"Khai said."Uh... Khai.. Can you help me?"Yaya said."What is it?"Khai ask.

"Help me confess cyclone, please!! I gave him my cookies but he doesn't want it"Yaya said with sad tone.'Of course he doesn't want your cookies.. That coockies are killer!!'Khai though."So? How?"Yaya ask.

"Well,uh... Maybe... Buy him some skateboard or ball or toys... He's like a 6 Year child,you know?"Khai said."Oh.. Thanks for your information,Khai!!"Yaya said.

"And who is your crush,khai?"Yaya ask."Well,uh... Em... I don't have a crush"Khai said."Really? Huh? *smirik* should i ship you?"Yaya said."No!! I will study first then looking for boyfriend"Khai said.

"Really? I though you were sleep and looking outside"Yaya said."Well,i'm not.."Khai said well,not sure."Don't lying.. God will angry_-"Yaya said.

"Fine... I do had crush"Khai giving up."Who is he?"Yaya ask."Should i must tell you?"Khai said."Well,yeah.."Yaya said."He is..."."Yeah.. Yeah... Who is he?"yaya said."A human.."Khai said and made yaya anime fall.

"I KNOW HE IS A HUMAN!!"Yaya shount."So,why you ask if you know he is a human"Khai said innocently."-_______- what's the name?"Yaya said."Secret"Khai said.

Kringg kringgg

"Oh... Class is starting"Khai said."Mr.Kaizo is coming!!"A random studwnt said."What?!?! Mr.Kaizo?!?!?!"All the student Said panicly

One-Shot story{boboiboy's siblings and friends}[Late Update]Where stories live. Discover now