Movies With Mark

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"Welcome to my humble abode," Mark said as you both went into his living room. He tried to front flip onto the couch, but he nearly missed and faceplanted into the couch.

"Jeez," you winced, "you okay Mark?"

"Oh I meant to do that," Mark said as you rolled your eyes and sat down, "It's this new flip I'm working on. It's called the, uh, the face flip," he concluded awkwardly.

"Keep on telling yourself that," you laughed as he got up, "okay, wait here, I'll be right back!" he jumped off the couch like a child and sprinted upstairs with his arms behind him. In about a minute he came zooming back downstairs with a pile of movies in his hands.

"Whoah!!" You said at the giant pile sitting before you.

"Oh you think that's big, you should see my game collection!" he said with a smirk, "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go make some popcorn. Go ahead and pick a movie to start with."

You stared looked at the movies curiously. Horror movies weren't really your thing. You didn't recognize any of these movies. You eventually went with an interesting looking one about what looked to be a haunted doll.

You waved it to Mark as he walked in with a big bowl of popcorn and two sodas. "Ooh that's a good one, pretty scary though. Think you can handle it?"

"Mark, I'm an adult. I think I can handle a horror movie about dolls." Although, the truth was, you were a bit nervous. The last time you watched a horror movie, you punched your friend when she tried to prank you. You just finished the movie, and right as you were dozing off, she wiggled her fingers on your shoulder. You freaked out and punched her in the face. After that, you two didn't really hang out. So, you definitely didn't want to do any of that again.

"Alright," he said as he put the movie in.

The movie really wasn't that scary, though there were a couple of jump scares that got you. There was one where the doll popped out of a wardrobe. You let a very high pitched yelp, and Mark laughed very hard at this.

"Shut up! That didn't scare me, that just...surprised me," you said quickly, but Mark was not convinced.

"Keep telling yourself that," you elbowed him as he snickered.

With each movie you watched, you both moved a little closer to each other. After the fifth movie, you both were sitting right next to each other. He was looking at his phone, when he suddenly laughed.

"What?" You asked. Mark showed you his phone, and a look of shock came over your face.

Mark was on twitter, and someone tweeted him a photo of you and Mark at the diner with the caption: "@markiplier, the new girliplier?"

"Mark, I'm so sorry!" You're face turned very red.

"About what?" he asked confused.

"That someone tweeted you this. I bet you don't want people to think we go on dates or something," but you immediately regretted it as you saw his face drop. It was just for a second, but you caught it, and you just felt even worse. "M-Mark no! I didn't mean it like that! I just meant...I didn't know..."

"It's okay," Mark mumbled, and you felt like you were going to cry.

"Mark, I swear, I didn't mean it bad, I just-"

"Hey," Mark looked at you with his soft, brown eyes, "I know you didn't mean it like that. Really, don't worry about it." He smiled brightly at you, and you smiled back.

You two sat in silence for a while, until he picked up another movie. "How about this one? It's one of my favorites!"

You smiled softly, "okay, sure." After he put the movie in, he sat in his spot cuddled up next to you on the couch. You only got through about half of the movie before you fell asleep on his shoulder.

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