Pancakes And Coffee

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You woke up the next morning still cuddled up to Mark. Not wanting to wake him, you quietly reached for your phone and checked the time. 1:42 p.m. Geez. You had never even slept in until ten before. You studied Mark's sleeping face for a minute. His face was completely relaxed, and his lips were slightly parted. "When is he ever not adorable?" Making sure he was still asleep, you picked up his hand, and kissed it softly. You then went over to the fridge to see what you could make for breakfast. There wasn't much. You then heard Mark's sleepy voice as he awoke.

"How long you have you been been awake, (y/n)?"

"Oh, only a few minutes."

"Okay. Any idea what time it is?"

You checked your phone, "1:45."

"Never too late to go out for breakfast. You in?"

"Yeah, for sure. Sorry, I would offer to make breakfast, but..." you gestured over to your nearly empty fridge.

"It's all good," Mark said. "I'm just gonna go change real quick. Be right back," he said, and walked over to his house. You quickly changed, ran a comb through your hair, and looked in the mirror. Did you need make up? You then heard a knock at the door. Guess not.

"You know, you don't need to knock, Mark," you said to Mark as you opened the door.

He smiled shyly, "just being polite." "Damnit Mark, stop being so cute!" You thought, blushing. He caught you blushing, and giggled.

You gestured over to the door, embarrassed, "Shall we?"

"We shall." He linked arms with you and skipped to your car, taking you with him.

"Know where you're going?" Mark asked as you scrambled into the driver's seat.

"Nope," you said, putting the key in.

Mark laughed, "I'll direct you. But I'm not telling you where we're going."

"Fine," you pouted. Mark directed you to a place called Gertrude's Pancakes House. It was small, and a little beaten up.

"I promise this place has the best pancakes!" Mark assured you.

"Hmm, alright." You said as you both walked in.

The place wasn't very crowded since it was past 2 in the afternoon, so you were able to order almost immediately.

"I think I'm gonna get the chocolate chip pancakes," you decided.

"Chocolate chip pancakes? How old are you?" Mark laughed.

You looked at him seriously and said, "seven. Just like you."

"Oh yeah," he laughed, "I guess I'll have to get that too then."

Those chocolate chip pancakes were some of the best pancakes you had ever had.

"Well, Mark, you were wrong," you said as you both made your way into the car.

"Oh?" Mark said, and you nodded.

"Those were the second best pancakes I have ever had. Yours are definitely better."

Mark laughed, "I wouldn't really agree with that, but thanks I guess. Hey? Ya wanna go get some coffee?"

"For sure," you said. You already knew where you wanted to go. You drove to Great Brews.

"Good choice," Mark said, stepping out of the car.

"There's none better," as you stepped out of the car, you noticed a help wanted sign and stared at it as your face lit up.

"They need here. What do you think, Mark. Think I got a shot?"

"What about YouTube?"

You sighed, "it isn't going so well. Besides you, I have like twenty subscribers. I need another job to support myself."

"Don't worry, it just takes time," Mark assured you.

After you got your coffees, you sat down at the same table as the last time you were here.

"Deja vu, huh?" Mark said.

"Indeed. This is where I got to know the man behind the screen."

"And this where I got to know the best neighbor ever." Mark smiled.

After you finished your coffees, you headed home. Mark needed to record some videos. After talking to the manager, you set up a job interview in a couple weeks with him. You were relieved you had at least found a possible job. Your parents couldn't support you forever.

"See ya around, (y/n)," Mark said once you got home.

"Is that your new catch phrase?" You laughed.


"Oh, nothing. See ya around." You said, but Mark turned around suddenly.

"You know, you should really leave your window open more often." Mark winked and turned back to his house. You couldn't be more grateful that you left that window open.

Unexpected~A Markiplier x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now