Your Goof

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You woke up the next morning nuzzled into Mark's chest. Since you admitted you were in love with him, and he kissed you, you decided you could do what you always wanted to. You held his hand, and kissed his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes and gazed up at you. "Morning cutie," he said, and you ruffled his hair.

"Morning!" you chirped and strolled into the kitchen.

"Whatcha doing?" Mark said poking his head over the couch.

"Before you can protest, I'm making our breakfast," you said firmly.

"If you're sure," Mark said as you got out pancake batter.

In about fifteen minutes, you set two plates of pancakes and bacon on Mark's table. He smiled and thanked you, and you held hands as you ate.

Things stayed like this until three weeks later. You were at Great Brews one day when Mark suddenly looked up from his coffee. "Hey (y/n)?"

"Yeah?" you said looked up at him as he seemed to grow nervous.

"So, I know we've been doing this for a few weeks...I'm sorry, I just don't know how to ask this. Yes, we seemed to discover our feelings for each other then, but it never became official. And I don't think it would be appropriate to keep it like that. So..." Mark cleared his throat, "(y/n), I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?"

You smiled and blushed, "I would love to, Mark."

He smiled his bright, goofy smile as his brown eyes seemed to sparkle. You didn't think you've ever seen him this happy, and this just made you blush more.

As you left the coffee shop, Mark jumped up and gave you a high five. "Here's to a new relationship!"

You laughed and rolled your eyes, "you goof."

"Correction, I am your goof."

"Sorry, my goof."

Mark slipped his hand into yours, "Hmm, I could certainly get used to being your goof."

Unexpected~A Markiplier x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now