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You jumped out of bed the instant your alarm went off. 7:30 a.m. Time to get in gear! You got dressed in your nicest casual outfit; you didn't wanna over due it. You ran downstairs, and you could still hear laughter coming from Mark's recording room. You made some eggs and toast for yourself. After quickly eating, you decided to make Mark and Sean some food too. What could they eat while they were streaming? Would pancakes be a problem? Whatever. You made three chocolate chip pancakes for each of them. As you brought the food into Mark's recording room, you saw their faces light up like children.

"Hungry?" You asked.

"Aw yeah! Thanks, (y/n)!" Sean excitedly grabbed a plate.

"Thank you (y/n)!" Mark said, rolling his eyes at Sean.

"I figured you might want some food." You smirked, "I would stay, but I really need to get ready."

"No problem." Mark said and turned to the camera. "(y/n)'s gonna sing and it's gonna be amazing."

You laughed as you strolled out of the room, "Hopefully!"

About forty minutes later. Mark came running out of the room. "When do you need to be there?"

"I'm about to leave," you said.

"Okay," Mark said, and he pulled you in for a hug and gave you a quick kiss. "Good luck. You'll be awesome, and Sean and I can't wait to hear you."

You smiled, "I'll be sure to wait for you then."

You smiled to yourself as you drove to Great Brews. You had a little surprise for Mark. You made sure to practice when he couldn't hear you. That way, he didn't know that you're first song was the one you wrote for him. It was cheesy as hell, but he loved that song. You were so excited to show him that one.

You soon pulled up to Great Brews, which was packed. You still managed to lug your keyboard in and set it up. You were about to check your phone to text Mark, but you couldn't find your phone. Sudden realization came to you, and you face palmed. You left your phone in your room at home! Whoops! Too late to get it now...

You checked your watch: 8:55. Mark and Sean would be here any minute. You grew more nervous as each minute passed. You knew it would be packed, but you certainly didn't expect this. There were so many people, you hoped that there would be a spot for Mark and Sean.

But the minutes kept passing. 9:01. They must just be running late. Whatever. 9:05. Weird, where are they? 9:10. It's fine, they'll be here any minute.

But they weren't. 9:30. Your boss made his way up to you. "(y/n), you really need to start." He said this clearly exasperated. You sighed, of course you did. Everyone was ready; they'd been ready for a while.

"Of course, sorry. I was trying to wait for some people."

"Sorry, but we can't wait any longer."

"It's fine, I understand."

You took a deep breath. "This first song is called "Getaway". This goes out to my boyfriend, Mark. I wrote this after I first met him. It's pretty cheesy, but I mean every word of if. He really means the world to me." Everyone awwed as you smiled and blinked away tears. You started with a shaky voice.

"Saw you next door, tried to -catch-" you're voice cracked as a few people winced, "your eye, you smiled at me, and I don't know why,

but you gave me a chance,

and noooow," you tried to sing the chorus strong, but you're throat was burning from holding back tears, "When I'm with you, my knees feel weak, my voice cracks, I can barely even speak. You're my getaway, you're my getaway."

As you finished the song, you got mild applause. You wanted to run out that coffee shop right then and there, but you stayed. You still had one song. It went just about as bad as your last one. You struggled through the tears and the voice cracks. At the end, there was a lot of applause, but you knew it was all pity. You quickly thanked your boss, and carried your keyboard to the car.

You slammed the door behind you. 10:27. You could still hear Mark and Sean in the recording room. You left the keyboard in the car; it's not like you would be needing it any time soon. You ran upstairs to you and Mark's room, collapsed onto the bed, and cried. So much for getting a chance.

Unexpected~A Markiplier x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now