Special Day (3)

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After you got home, you brought Chica and her stuff into the house. You managed to get her set up in your room in about 20 minutes.

"Wanna help me make lunch?"

You prepared, sandwiches, egg salad, fruit, and lemonade. You loaded the food into a picnic basket. You took the basket and Chica with you to the car; Mark wanted to take you somewhere. He also made sure to blindfold you first.

"Where we going?" You chirped.

"Surprise," Mark grinned.

"Whyyyyyy?" You pouted.

"Becaaaaaauuuuuusseeeee," Mark responded.

In about half an hour, you arrived. You took the blind fold off, stepped out of the car and saw a small lake.

You grabbed Chica's leash, and Mark grabbed the basket. "People rarely come here."

"It's beautiful here."

Mark smiled, "I thought you'd like it."

You sat down on the soft grass and started to unload the picnic basket. You let Chica wander around the area.

"Pretty cheesy." You giggled.

"Oh, you know it. Never enough cheese." Mark took out his phone and put on very cheesy romantic music. You laughed as he took out the food and danced while setting it up.

You clapped after he bowed, "very impressive!"

"I've been practicing."

You admired the peaceful scenery while you ate. After you finished, you called for Chica. Mark slipped his hand into yours as you walked around the lake, and Chica followed eagerly.

After you walked around the lake, you left Chica alone where she curled up by the basket and slept. You and Mark sat by the lake, throwing rocks. Mark dipped his hands into the water.

"How's the water?"

"Seems good, but let's make sure." Mark took a running start and cannonballed into the lake. You were soaked with his splash.


"What? The water's great!"

"You're in your regular clothes Mark!"

"Uh, we have a washing machine..."

You sighed and Mark splashed you, "you should come give it a try."

You thought about it, then backed up. Mark cheered as you jumped into the lake.

"See? The water's great!"

You splashed Mark, "that's for splashing me."

You two broke into a splash fight, laughing. You ended up swimming for a couple hours. After a while, you got tired in your clothes and got out. After getting home, you showered and got changed into comfy clothes. You and Mark watched t.v. for a while with Chica. After you finished a horror movie about a haunted dog, Mark checked his watch and got up. "You should ask me if the special day is over."

"Okay, is the special day over?"

"Nope, our reservation is at 6."

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