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About a month had passed since that night. You hadn't talked to Mark since then, except for the occasional text or hellos exchanged when seeing each other outside. You were having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. Everything that was happening was just stressing you out too much. You knew it would be a bit awkward after you said that to Mark, but you didn't think it would be like this. What if you lost Mark forever? Besides that, your videos weren't really doing that well. Yes, you had just started, and your parents were sending you money for now, but you needed a job so you could support yourself.

Tonight, you were having a lot more trouble than usual sleeping. You checked you phone: 3:38 a.m. Ugh. You gave up and went to your music room where your keyboard was. You started sing the song you wrote after you and Mark stopped talking. In just a few minutes, you got a text from Mark.

I can't sleep either. Can I come over and listen? You looked over and face palmed as you saw that you left that dang window open again. Sorry, neighbors. Your face lit up as you quickly replied.

Yeah, sure. Come on over.

In a couple minutes, you heard a knock at the door. You opened the door and saw Mark standing in pajamas and slippers.

"Hey Mark. Sorry, I forgot to close the window agai-" you couldn't finish as Mark pulled you into his arms. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close.

"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while. I shouldn't have acted like that," Mark said, still hugging you. Not that you were complaining.

"It's alright, I get it. I never should have said any of that stuff. There was no need to react over that picture like that."

"Look, about what you said," Mark let you go, but he was still holding your shoulders as he looked into your eyes with those dang beautiful brown ones. "I've been thinking. It doesn't matter if we don't know what this is; as long as we enjoy it, what else matters?"

You didn't break eye contact as you held his hands, and none of it was awkward. "It took ya a month to think of that? Jeez Mark," you eventually said, laughing.

Mark pushed you playfully, "Shaddup, (y/n). Now, how about that song?" You nodded, and led him upstairs to your music room. After closing the window, you started playing.

"When I'm with you, my knees feel weak, my voice cracks, I can barely even speak. You're my getaway, you're my getaway."

He applauded as you finished. "Beautiful, of course. I wish I could sing like that. So who's this song for?" Mark elbowed you as you blushed.

"Oh, I wrote this so long ago," you lied, "I don't even remember who it's for. It's just kinda one of my go to songs."

"Hmm, okay," Mark said and smiled. You knew he knew the truth. "So, what do you wanna do? Are you tired at all?"


"Then neither am I," Mark said. "Let's see..oooh! So, you can sing, but can you dance?"

You laughed, "I am probably the least coordinated person you will meet."

"Then I will teach you!" Mark declared as you laughed. Mark then grabbed your hand and took you downstairs to your living room.

"Okay, what do you wanna learn?" Mark said, taking out his phone.

"I dunno. Anything, I guess."

"Okay, we'll start with a slow song." He said pulling up a slow dance song.

You worked on it for about twenty minutes. You had at least learned how to waltz. After the song looped again, you suddenly stopped. "I'm bored. I have a better idea." You grabbed his phone and put on your favorite song. "Recognize it, Mark?" you said as you put on Closer. You danced awkwardly, leaning up against Mark as he laughed his head off.

"Oh, this is much better," Mark said, joining in. You both kept dancing for another 15 minutes. You then both fell on the couch laughing, exhausted.

"Well, that was fun!" you said through giggles.

"Sure was," Mark said. You both finally feeling tired.

Before you dozed off, Mark squeezed your hand. "I've missed you."

You looked up at him, "Missed you too, Mark." You then nuzzled up to Mark, and fell asleep on his shoulder.

Unexpected~A Markiplier x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now