Chapter 11

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Erika gets out of the house to check the mails in the post outside of her house when she sees Neil Gomez in his porch, cleaning the remaining pieces of the glasses from the window. She walks in her house just when he calls out "Hey you!" she stiffens a bit before turning to him with a smile on her face "Good morning Mr. Gomez! How are you feeling today?" she says cheerfully and he returns the smile "I'm good kid, how've you been?" he asks and she nods.

"So um is my girls with you, they weren't here last night?" he asks as she looks at him in confusion "Not seen them Mr. Gomez, may be they went with some friends you know party and stuff" she says shrugging. He shakes his head "No they aren't allowed to party. So where you been these days I haven't seen you with the girls?" he inquires. She shrugs her shoulder before speaking "No where I was just hanging around you know" she says casually, he nods and return to his house.

She sighs breathe of relief before entering the house. She drops the letters on the counter before going to make some breakfast for her, good thing it's weekend. As the settles the pot her door bell rings, she opens the door to find Mr. Gomez standing.

"Um, Hi! You need something?" she asks hesitantly but he just barge in her house. "Your mother home?" he grumbles and she gulps her saliva. "She will be back in a few. How can I help you Mr. Gomez?" he looks around the house before settling in a chair.

"I smell coffee how about that?" she smiles politely before making it for both of them. "So, um have you seen any guys hanging around my girls lately?" he asks hesitantly. She sips her coffee slowly before shaking her head. He sighs before putting the cup down on the table. "Listen kid, I know that you are hiding things from me about my daughters. I'm trying to be polite here, so tell me where are they?" she looks at him innocently before speaking.

"I really don't know what you are talking about Mr. Gomez" he bangs his hand hardly on the table scaring her as she jumps a bit. "Don't play games with me girl! I can be a very dangerous man now tell me where they are before I snap your neck in two" he threatens her. "Try and touch her you old geezer!" Amber speaks from behind them. Erika jumps from her seat rushing to her mother "Mom! You are back" she hugs her mother tightly.

"Hey doll, You OK? Who's this man threatening my daughter in my own damn house?" Amber asks her daughter and Erika looks at her mother lovingly. "He is the new neighbor, the twin you met last time? He's the father" Amber looks at the man up and down before staring straight in his eyes without any fear. Erika grins widely at the scene "Listen you! Don't you dare again come in my house and threaten my daughter when she offered you a coffee and gave you a seat to sit" Amber speaks angrily.

Neil Gomez rubs his head tiredly "Listen lady! I'm not here to harm her, my daughters are gone missing and your daughter knows where are they but she isn't co-operating. So please, ask her to tell me where they are?" Amber looks at her daughter and sweep her hair aside before asking sweetly "Sweetie what is this man saying, do you know where they are, and don't even try to lie to me because the consequences will be bad" Erika groans before saying she knows.

"I knew you were lying to me" Mr. Gomez snarls. "Hey now, stop with the sounds my daughter will take you to the boys house" she speaks warning both Neil and Erika. Erika face palms her before grudgingly driving to the twin's house where Neil follows her in his car. As they enter the house she sees no one and tries to leave but Neil holds her hands and drags her in.

They barge in the study room where everyone is sitting. All eyes turn to her and the man standing with her. "Dad?" whispers Ami and everyone in the room stands alert as the twin throws dagger at Erika. She sighs before speaking "Hey people look who I got, its Mr. Gomez. Surprise!" she yells only to earn growls from the twins who feel their mates are in danger. "What does this mean, Tiger?" Gio asks looking at Neil.

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