Chapter 25

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The music starts blaring taking her to a world where only she lives as she sways along the music, the people surrounding her looks at her in awe. Erika gracefully swirls around the pole as she dances along the music mesmerizing the audience.

Leaning her back to the pole with one hand holding it right above her head, she slowly slides down before ripping off the shirt and throwing her head back with the process. Turning her back, she stays kneeling with the pole between her legs as she sways her hips before slowly getting up bending her ass in the air shaking it a bit.

A seductive smile forms in her lips as she looks around before pulling the string of her skirt but let is stay lose on her hip and the people groan in disappointment.

She slowly spreads her leg one by one as she bends half of her body down and looses the skirt. She winks at the man in front before dancing her way out of the stage just as the music ends.

"Erika, you look lovely and the performance was just out of the world. I knew I made the right decision when I offered you all this. Ok, I have some people who are interested to buy you a drink, they are very" Rose gets interrupted by Erika.

"Sorry Rose. I can't, Gio needs me. I already told you I only dance no any special meeting or favors ok. Bye!" she states as she leaves to go to her apartment she had recently bought.

In no term was she going for a solo act to any of the men, she agreed to do the strip only for a reason and the moment she makes sure she can get a better job she will leave all this. Stripping sure pays a good amount of money but the price she has to pay for it isn't worth it.

Just a little bit longer and she will make sure she is out of here. Just a little bit longer. Making sure all her make up and smell of the club is washed off her body she takes a leave to her house.

Just a few weeks on the club and she was a hit, she made enough money to get out of Rose's house. Even if she was grateful to Rose she couldn't stay too long in that house. She definitely should thank Evan for that if it wasn't him, she couldn't have gotten the apartment for her and Gio.

As soon as she enters the house she walks to Gio and he jumps on her arms happily.

"Eri, you back" he smiles kissing her.

The babysitter she appointed for Gio leaves after she pays her for the day. Gio can't stop but explain her how his day was, she listens patiently to his half sentences while moving to the kitchen.

In the last few months, Gio has grown up gradually and it amazes her every time she looks at him. Even if it's been merely 3 months she was with him, he can understand everything she says and can pronounce words which were really amazing.

He is barley 5 months but seeing him, it's like he is already 2years old. She has stopped taking him to the club after he started to tell what he was seeing at the club to her which was not good for kid his age.

Moreover, he has a photogenic memory so he loved to draw and color anything he sees to show her later, sometimes she found him drawing her pictures with some dance poses she had done in the club.

It was no doubt that Gio was not a human, he was a supernatural being but the question was what?

Once Erika had accidentally cut her finger while chopping the vegetable and Gio had run to her and before she knew he started sucking the blood, when she tried to take it out of his mouth he had been angry and whining that her finger tasted sweet, but she ignored it. He looked way too human to be a vampire but still she had some doubts about him.

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