Chapter 29

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I would like to thank all of you for your wonderful support on this story. I hope you all are enjoying it. I can't express my gratitude to all of you :D

Like a hawk watching its prey Enzo stalks Erika's every move with his eyes. She meets everyone except him, like he isn't even there.

No acknowledgement from her is killing him and for the first time he gets taste of his own medicine, still he controls himself as this is not the right time.

It's not about him but the kid and he don't want to ruin the moment between a father and son. He had waited a decade and he can wait a bit longer even if he is dying to know how she is?

He waits to talk to her quietly and as she offers coffee, he knows that it's the only chance he got to talk with her so he follows her to the kitchen.

"You are avoiding me"

The stiffness in her body as soon as he speaks lets him know that she definitely was doing it.

"Hello Enzo! How've you been?"

Erika tries being polite to him when she all but wants to throw something his way for being so inconsiderate about her once again and ruining her alone time.

So, she doesn't turn around to look at him, she can't. Not when her emotions are all over the place. So, she busies herself by taking out the mugs and moves to boil some water.

A heavy blanket of silence covers both of them, one trying to look busy while one trying to win her attention. Finally, when he doesn't gets what he wants he sighs in defeat and try to start a conversation.

"I'm sorry, about what I" he starts only to be interrupted by her

"I forgive you Enzo, if that's what you are here for then don't worry its okay. It was all in the past so you don't have to feel guilty" she states wishing he just takes the hint and go back so she can have her peace for a while.

Pinching his nose a bit Enzo walks to her, turning her around in his arms. She gasps and tries to move past him but he holds her and catches her chin between his fingers.

Staring deep in her eyes as if searching something he tries to check her emotions. Not knowing what else to do she stares back at him as well amazed as his eyes keeps changing color and finally settles at being mixture of blue and green.

It's the 1st time ever she is standing this close to him so she takes full advantage of it by looking at him carefully.

Unknown to her, he is too doing the same as well.

She tries to remember as much of his features as she can because she knows this is the only chance for her to be this close to The Enzo Antonio.

When she doesn't say anything for a long time Enzo can't take it anymore so he asks her.

"Are you okay?"

"Have you been eating properly?"

"Did you miss the twins?"

"Julian, Ma and Dad too?"

Enzo whispers quietly as he moves closer to her. Erika can't speak a word too hypnotized by the way he is lightly rubbing her jaw so she only nods to his every question.

"What about me?"

Finally, he asks barely touching her lips with his own and she is so lightly grasping the thread just so she won't cross the distance and kiss him.

They both once again stay still waiting for one another to make a move.

He waits for her answer but when she doesn't answer he moves his finger to lightly graze her lower lips still staring in her eyes.

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