Chapter 12

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Hello guys! I hope you all are enjoying this story and people I want some feedback feel free to give it and vote please!! Have a great weekend!! :)

"So now that the girls will be staying here I think we should make some changes" Marisa looks at her sons. They look at her in confusion "What kind changes?" asks Sean curiously. "We need to decorate their rooms and go shopping!" She says excitedly. Both the girls shriek excitedly when they hear shopping but the boy's narrows their eyes at their mother.

"Why do you need to decorate the rooms? The girl's already like ours, the way it is" Finn explains. Enzo chuckles before leaving them to settle it down.

"The girls won't be sharing a room with you boys, if that's what you are thinking" Gio warns while the boys groan. "But Pa" Gio shakes his head "No any sexual relation till you graduate and definitely not in the house. Am I clear?" Gio warns.

They both look at him in disbelief "Pa? We are not doing it in the house, where all can hear us. Jeez it's already embarrassing you think and now that you said it in front of all it's even worse. We won't do such things until and unless our mates want it"

The girl's turns bright red hearing them talk like that and can't meet their mate's eyes. Marisa glares her mate for not being thoughtful that the girls were there to hear.

Gio smiles at her sweetly realizing his mistake before pecking his mate and giving his card to let them buy whatever they want. The ladies go for their shopping frenzy while the guys follow their father to ask if they can join the business. Now that they got mates they want to do something to earn some living. Gio looks at his sons proudly for them being so thoughtful about their mate's welfare.

"You guys don't have to worry much about work right now, just have some fun it's your senior year. We will discuss about what you can do after you graduate till then let me and your brothers handle the company. Enzo already has set plans for you when you graduate so just relax" the twins both grin and hug their father happily.

Both the twins knock at Enzo's door before entering knowing their brother's temper they don't want to just barge in his room. Enzo Antonio is not the type of guy you want to piss off, he is a very private kind of guy who hates it when his privacy is invaded and after that whole fiasco with Erika last time, everyone in the house is careful not to set him off even their father himself.

"For what do I owe your presence here?" Enzo asks as he sets the pen down and look at his brothers. They both smile at him widely before taking a seat, "We wanted to ask you if you need any help in the company?" Sean speaks making Enzo chuckle.

"Does this mean you guys are finally grown up?" he teases them. The twin's smiles seeing their brother's playful side. "We talked to dad about it and he informed us that you will be taking the shots about where we will be working or what we will do" Finn states.

Enzo nods to them "Yeah and I guess Dad did informed you both to not think about it now and focus on your graduation, am I right?" he asks and both of them nod.

"So go and enjoy it boys, It's your senior year you don't have to worry about anything it's not like we lack employees or money. Just have some fun with your mate till I dump all the work loads on you two. Now move and don't worry about money or anything this is all yours too and I will ask you to join me when I feel it's time till then just focus on yourselves OK?" He suggests

The twins hug their brother happily thanking him and move out of the room. They both turn around as they reach the door and ask the question they always wanted to know answer about.

"Hey Enzo, how come you never tried to find your mate?" Finn asks.

Enzo looks a bit taken back by the question first, before composing himself. "I never thought I needed one" he shrugs as he focuses on the file in front of him.

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