Chapter 51

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"I'm sorry"

Crystal drops the book she is reading and yelps as she sees the person that came out of nowhere and startled her.

"Good god lord, Ad" she scolds him as she clutches her chest to stop her heart from beating wildly.

"You didn't hear me coming?" Ad asks her through narrowed eyes

"Of course not, that's why you caught me off guard and I got startle" she huffs as she bends to pick up her book.

"Well, that's pretty bad then, that you couldn't even know I was snooping around" he states still standing near the door.

"And your point is?" she asks raising her brow

"You tell me, what it is and I'll tell you what I know" he challenges her

"Riddles, why is it always riddles with you? You know how clueless I'm when it comes to that" she sighs as she points him to the sofa next to her.

"But you know you aren't as clueless as you show to be" he counters as he takes the seat

"I really have..."

"Where is Connor?" he interrupts her

"Excuse me?" she looks at him in confusion

"You're not excused, come on you may fool others but not me. I have practically raised you Crystal so tell me where is Connor, before I go hunt him down myself" Ad states with anger filled in each of his vein

"If you know me so well then you may also know that fooling others is the last trait I got in me and as for asking about my mate let me tell you, I don't know. If I knew then don't you think, I would be following him rather than sitting and waiting for that one day where his mind and heart will change so he will come for me?" she asks him with as much anger as him

"So, you don't know where he is at all" Ad asks once again

"No, haven't met him after that night" she states straight face

"Are you sure"


"Well then, let me tell you he was seen here at your door last night" he sighs

"No. I would have felt him if he did" she states as she folds her arms to look intimidating as him.

"You have never felt him ever, what makes you think you will feel his presence now?" Ad asks at her incredulously

"I could smell him" she cries as she clutches the side of her seat

"You couldn't even tell I was entering the room" Adrian shouts at once getting up from his seat in pure rage at the woman in front of him.

"I was too into the book" she states as she avoids any eye contact with him

"Don't" Ad warns her but she just ignores him

"What exactly is your point in all this?"

"I just want to know what exactly happened that night between you two that you lost your memory, that we couldn't find you and of all that you are loosing your wolf senses"

Adrian sighs tiredly, once again taking his seat.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Don't make me make you talk Crystal, I swear..."

"I cannot feel my wolf. There happy?" she shouts at him.

Men! Ad was always the stubborn one always the one who would catch her on everything she planned. He was just plain irritating!

Mate's Affection [Affection Series 1] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now