Chapter 32

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Everyone settles down to have their breakfast peacefully, when the front door is smashed open startling all of them.

But their focus is on Rom who stands up cursing as he makes his move out to the living room.

"You asshole, let go of me"

Someone shouts as everyone leaves their breakfast to go see what the commotion is all about. As they enter the room they see a girl who is being grabbed my Rom.

"What the hell is going on?"

Enzo asks looking at the scene in front. This day seems getting better and better.

His voice snaps both Rom's and the woman's eyes towards him and suddenly the woman growls looking at Erika.

"My baby" she shouts pushing Rom away and rushing towards where Erika is standing with Gio.

Just as she is about to reach them Julian catches her and she snarls back at him.

"You are scaring the kid V" Julian tries to reason with her.

That stops her struggling before looking at Erika with tears in her eyes. Rom walks to Erika taking Gio from her and giving him to the woman.

"Gio meet your mother, Vivian" Rom informs Gio.

Vivian cries as she takes Gio in her arms and kisses him everywhere.

"Oh my baby, thank god you are safe" she sobs touching and kissing him everywhere.

"Mama" Gio sniffs looking at the woman and it makes her cry even more.

He remembers the smell on her that he was trying to seek in Erika but never found it. Now, he knows whose smell was it so he relaxes in the arms of his mother.

After a while when Vivian's emotion is settled down she looks at Erika.

"Thank you so much, for everything!" she thanks her and Erika smiles nodding.

She looks at Gio with tears in her eyes and Enzo holds her to him stroking her back to comfort her.

Finally, Gio got to meet his mother. She can't express her feeling about it all. She doesn't know she should be happy for Gio or sad for herself as she knows that Gio will be leaving her side soon.

"Eri look Mama" Gio shouts pointing at Vivian showing his mother off to Erika.

Erika simply laughs before moving to them and kissing his forehead.

"Yes Gio, she's your Mama" she tells him making him grin. He pulls her hair as she tries to leave his side.

"Eri no leave Gio" he sniffs as some tears fall down his eyes. She wipes his tears away trying to control her own.

"No, Eri no leave Gio ever. Eri loves Gio a lot" she says kissing his little hands as he jumps in her arms and bury his face in her neck.

"Gio love Eri" he whispers to her.

If it wasn't for her where he would end up no one dares try to imagine. Erika has given him so much love and happiness that he will be forever grateful of her and no matter what he cannot forget her.

They all settle down before Julian starts to talk. "I think we need to know about something from Erika"

This nagging feelings he has been having its better if it's settled down sooner than rather while all of them are together. May be they can join the missing parts.

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