Chapter 33

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Erika keeps glancing to the road and then back to Enzo as he drives them away from the house. They haven't spoken at all since she followed him out and he drove off. She takes a deep breathe before looking at him.

"Where are we going?" she asks him.

He looks at her before focusing on the road once again "You'll know when we reach there"

She huffs folding her arms knowing it's no use trying to make him reveal anything after all this same very guy had hidden them being mates for almost a decade!

"But we need to hurry back, Gio needs me I..."

Erika tries to coax him by dragging Gio's name but the guy simply interrupts her.

"Gio has his mother with him now, so it's better if you leave him with her so they can bond nicely and if you are around him all the time, I don't thing it'll be possible. No matter how hard it sounds, you aren't his mother"

Why does he have to say everything so cruelly especially when it comes to dealing with her? She will never know but none the less it hurt, so she snaps back at him.

"I know that I'm not his mother but that doesn't mean I won't worry about him. I won't keep him away from his parents but the truth is, they are strangers to him right now and he may feel uncomfortable with them if he didn't have someone he knows around!"

Enzo nods thinking about it before he speaks "Fair enough!"

She glares at his coolness before looking out of the window. Something will never change between them, mates or no mates!

Enzo just keeps driving quietly, he knows that Gio is surrounded by strangers right now but no matter how much he tries to avoid the fact remains that Gio is way more that attached to her.

He have noticed the way that boy looks at her every few seconds to check if she is in the room or near him or not. He also has seen the way he reacted to them when they went to visit Erika at the apartment.

And Enzo is simply insecure about the way they bond, and somewhere inside he is a bit jealous of the boy who can hug and get a kiss from her anytime and anywhere al he has to do is throw his hands in the air for her or pout!

Finally, Enzo stops at a cottage house before getting out and asking her to do the same.

"Why are we here?" she asks him curiously before looking around the cottage.

This is the summer house for the Antonio's, she remembers when they were kids all of them used to visit this place.

This is the very place...

"Where I found you were my mate" Enzo speaks breaking her train of thoughts.

"This is the place where I met you, for the first time" she whispers moving towards the house.

She had met the twins in her school and they had liked each other immediately, they asked her to join them on weekend for the trip to their summer house.

She remembers begging her mother to let her go with them and Amber had personally talked with Marisa and asked the address so she could personally drop her off.

Erika couldn't sleep that whole night thinking about how her day would go with her new friends and as the time came to go she had practically jumped inside the car so her mother would hurry up. As they drove to this place she was jumping on her seat excitedly.

She had sprinted as soon as the car had stopped to meet the twins and greet their family. She remembers how her mother had threatened Giovanni if something happened to her little Angel before leaving.

Mate's Affection [Affection Series 1] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now