Chapter 2: Sorry?

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Gray's POV

I stared over at Juvia, she seemed to be in her own weird world. I'm bored of everything right now. It just... Irritates me. Everything does! God, Flamebrain! And his stupid goddamn snarky comments! I'm gonna kill him someday.
And Lyon... I could kill him too. The way he looks at her. Tries to put his hands on her. God, I could kill him.

I know I shouldn't act the way I do but my mind instantly wants to take my anger out on her. It just- whenever she's all lovey dovey I just can't handle it. I wanna handle it because any part of her I can't help staying away from. There's just something about her. Something that just draws me to her. She may be-slightly insane-ish but she's better than most if not all the people who have ever tried to care about me.

I'm just angry. Something about her makes me wanna be close to her but something else about her makes me wanna punch a wall. I wanna be close to her, find out more about her but there's always something to stop me. Idiot ice wizards, distractions, near-death experiences.. Ugh I hate it!

Suddenly, I see her walking up to me. That same excited look. It's beautiful and at least it's not raining but.. She can't be here right now it's confusing the hell outta me.

My eyes meet hers and my body just fails. I become angry. It's just... She's here but she can't be here but I want her to be here, oh god!

Juvia's POV

His eyes meet mine and he looks furious, for once I am actually scared of him. The hairs on the back of my neck start to stand up as I become OVERUN with ANGER for the person who has upset MY Gray~Sama.

No one's POV

"Hey Gray~Sama-" Juvia said, disheartened at the fact her beloved looked furious with the world. Gray lost it. His body went colder, yet his temper grew furiously hot. All the unfairness hit him as the built up that he couldn't have her, that his life couldn't be great without losing the only women in the world he could love. "Juvia how many times do I have to tell you to GO AWAY!" He snapped, his pupils narrowing to the size of pins, he wanted her gone but at the same time he wanted her to stay. It wasn't as easy as that for him, though. Not after all his losses.

"But Juv-" Juvia was cut off. "You're always so clingy!" "I told you yesterday to LEAVE ME ALONE!" he rambled at this point the guilds attention was directly focused on the two. Juvia's face became red, her fingers gripped together as she pinched her skin with anxiety. She took a shakey breath. Something towered it's way up inside her trembling body. The words hung on her tongue in pathetic failed attempts.

"I- I... Well ah w.. well.." Juvia composed her self as her mind felt like it suddenly exploded. All 1 million thoughts crushed it way through her brain as her arms felt like they were being poked continuously with pins. Everything grew hot as her hand shook with no longer anxiety- but with pure anger. She tried again. "Look Gray~Sama Juvia just wanted to tell you-" "Tell me what, you love me?" "Yeah I know it's not like you've told me fifty times," he shouted annoyed. Her heart pounded like a giant sack of flower hung up on a small pin in her chest. Everything around her felt distorted and untrue. Everything. Redness crawled up through her and pounded on her vocal chords... "GRAY~SAMA SHUT UP! JUVIA JUST WANTED TO SAY SHE'S SORRY!" Everyone's expressions only showed one thing. Shock. She managed to win herself a few gasps with her sudden outburst. Thunder boomed above them. The rain could be heard, even behind the strong wooden guild doors, Gray's facial expression turned into something hardly anyone in the guild had seen before. Fear and shock. He opened his mouth to speak, but before saying a word he was cut off quickly.

"BUT SAYING SORRY EVERY SINGLE DAY GETS SO TIRING! WAITING FOR YOU TO SAY HI EVERYDAY GETS SO TIRING! TRICKING MYSELF EVERY FREAKING DAY GETS TIRING! JUVIA'S TIRED GRAY~SAMA!" She shouted with fury, coldness crawled up his spine as his confused brain switched to one of the most common and familiar emotion he could remember. Anger. Harsh words shot out of his mouth like bullets piercing skin, "HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK I FEEL! HUH?" "I HAVE A GIRL WHO WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHERE! ITS REALLY ANNOYING! WHO SCREWED YOU UP SO BADLY THAT YOU BECAME THIS.... THIS..." Gray saw he destroyed women's facial expression in front of him. Tears. Red cheeks. Fear. Grief. Sadness. He could sense it. What had he done? He stepped towards her, extending his arm out.

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