Chapter 3: Cold

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Edited 11th August 2017
Previous chapters group chat

Gray: hey Juvia u ok look I am sry 4 wat I said pls answer
Juvia: so you cannot even be bothered to write in full sentences well here's an answer I'm done.
Gray: what? What do you mean I'm done?
Juvia: I mean I am done. I am done loving you and defending you I only cause you annoyance. I'm done Gray.
Erza: my little Juvia is all grown up 😢
Mirajane: she's right Gray
Lucy: Natsu are you drunk?! IN MY APARTMENT!
Loke: hey Juvia wanna go out sometime
Gray: okay me and Juvia are switching to one to one chat.

Gray and Juvia's chat
Gray: Please Juvia I am so sorry
Juvia: as am I for everything I have caused you I shall now leave you in peace
Gray: no Juvia please I didn't mean anything I said at the guildhall earlier just forgive me
Juvia: forgive you? FORGIVE YOU!? So me confessing my love to in front of everyone almost everyday and being turned down rudely and humiliated or left alone in the rain or maybe thinking the one who changed your life, the one who made all the pain go away, THE ONE WHO MADE THE RAIN GO AWAY hated you. You expect me to forgive you for that?
Gray: please Juvia the rain is pouring! We just need to figure this out! please don't cry I could never hate you I'm coming over right now. I need to tell you how I feel

At Juvia's place Erza's POV

"Crap he's coming over!" Juvia said panicking, "He's what!" Levy exclaimed. Honestly, I think they are destined to be together. She loves him and he loves her. But the way he treated her over the past few years has been unnecessary and downright harsh. Me and Mirajane will work on a plan even if he is a pure jerk, at the minute, we will make him see sense.

Juvia's POV

*knock* *knock* *knock* that must be him.
The girls decided to hide in the kitchen to give us some privacy. I opened the door to find a soaking wet Gray Fullbuster.
"We need to talk," he said, before I was able to slam the door in his face he stopped it with his arm, "Fine." I replied emotionless.

Minutes passed and things were getting even more unbearable so Gray finally decided to break the silence, "I'm sorry," "Really?" I said sarcastically, "Look I have apologised a million times what else can I do?" He replied, "Have you even been paying attention?" "I said to you I am done." I told him crossing my arms, "Juvia please," he said softly, putting his hand against my cheek, "Don't do this," "I'm sorry, I have moved on," I said quietly, "I'll tell you!" "I care about you too much to let you go!" "I love  you Juvia Lockser!" He shouted as a single tear streamed down my pale face, "I can't do this anymore-" before I could say anything else his soft lips smashed against mine, we melted into a kiss until I pulled away.
"It's just the way it has to be Gray~Sama," "I need to move on," "Please.." He said barely audible knowing that I was serious, he collapsed in my arms and hugged me tightly, I felt a few tear drops on my shoulder.

Lisanna's POV

"When are they going to talk!?" Erza whispered impatiently, "I don't know," Lucy whispered, "Wait shhhhhhhhh," I whispered as GRUVIA finally decided to talk to each other and then.... He said he loved her.... And HE KISSED HER.
"SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I CALL BEING GODMOTHER TO THEIR FIRST CHILD!" Erza whisper-screamed with those alarming stars in her eyes, "THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Mira whispered angrily, "But I'm Juvia's best friend!" She said back and then everyone started bickering over who Juvia's best friend is. "Guys!" I gasped "She pulled away!" I told them with my eyes widened
"WHAHAAAAAAAAAAAT!" Cana yelled spilling her whiskey everywhere

A few hours later Gray's POV

It was pitch black outside, it would be it's 2:00am, rain still violently poured. That made a vile feeling suddenly develop in my brain and stomach, the most wretched, unbearable feeling. It's because I know she's sad. And it's all my fault. If I had just had the guts to tell her how I felt about her in the games then maybe we'd be happy now. Maybe I wouldn't feel like this, this darkness, sorrow, misery and shame wouldn't be here at least everyday anymore. I know it wouldn't be, cause she'd be there to chase it away.

Getting angry is the worst thing about me, my dad got angry a lot. I know why, he couldn't protect me and my mom. I think I got that off him, I can't protect her. She isn't mine to protect and if she was mine to protect, then I would probably fail. When I lost Ur there wasn't a purpose to my life except Fairy Tail, then this crazy girl who I changed the life of fell madly in love with me. Juvia is my purpose. I may not act like it but she is.

I wanted her to go away but stay at the same time, damn her for doing this! She made me fall in love with her! And now she doesn't want me anymore! The way she dropped to the floor and sobbed earlier, seeing the way she looked made me furious with myself, I am furious with myself!

I got back to my apartment and grabbed as much liquor as I could, I didn't care. I don't care anymore!

Hey guys so I added Gray's POV to this chapter because I thought it would be interesting 😄 enjoy!

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