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"Mommy I missed you!" Scorpius ran into their apartment, ice cream covering his small face, Hermione and Ron following behind with smiles.

"Hi sweetie. Did you had fun?" Draco bent down to Scorps level.

"Lots! Aunt 'Mione taught me about the fairies in the little park we go to, and Uncle 'Won gave me this toy called a magic finger, it's a muggle-"


"Ya, it shocks people when you shake their hand!"

Draco's head snapped up to Ron.


"Oh, come on, it's harmless, just a little joke, is all." Ron reasoned.

"I said no. My child doesn't need muggle toys, especially harmful ones."

"That's what this is about? It being a muggle toy!?" Ron snapped.

"Wha-no! I don't want my child getting shocked!"

"Right, I'm sure it's all about your child's safety, not your FUCKING RACISM."

Draco's eyebrows raised, then furrowed, upset, his eyes with switching emotions.

"Get out." He said quietly.

"Draco dear-" Harry began.

"Get. Out." He repeated, trying to keep his eyes from watering.

Hermione frowned sadly. "Ron, I don't want to cause any further problems. I'm sorry about all this." She tried to usher her husband out the door.

"No. I'm not gonna be pushed out of my best friends house by his halfbreed both-gender freak!" The ginger snapped angrily.

Silence filled the room.

"Leave." Harry stepped up, staring deadly at Ron.

Ron opened his mouth to protest, but shut it and stomped out, leaving Hermione, mouthing a quick apology before running after him.

Draco turned around and walked into the bedroom.

It had all been going so well, until that damned toy.

A love that lingers (Sequel to 'Secrets')Where stories live. Discover now