When mommy is upset

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Silence filled the room again.
Draco hid his face in the pillow, regretting what he had spilled.


"I'm sorry!" The blonde cried loudly.

"Don't be sorry! This is wonderful..."

The sentence was just greeted by heavier sobs.

"Draco, please stop crying. Listen to me. I love you, and I always will. I think you need to call down a little bit, and then we will try and talk about this, alright?"

Draco nodded slowly. "I just feel....I don't know." He cuddled into Harry's chest.

"It's alright, this is wonderful." Harry smiled. "I'm so sorry about Ron, please don't let him get to you. But-...why were you so against that silly little toy?"

Draco bit his lip. "I just-...I'm growing to be more accepting of muggle things and people, but, I don't know, it's hard seeing my son playing with muggle things, especially ones that are potentially dangerous. And, to be honest? I was jealous. Scorpius looked so happy with Ron, he always does...."

"Oh Draco.... You know that Scorpius loves you very much and Ron could never replace him mommy." Harry said, making Draco smile widely.

"Can you bring him in? I feel really bad... you know, about yelling in front of him... again..."

"Of course." Harry smiled and gently kissed Draco, before leaving to get Scorpius.

"Mommy!" Scorpius waddled in and climbed up onto the bed, crawling over to Draco.

"Hi Scorp..." Draco said quietly and hugged the small child.

"Is mommy still upset?"

"No baby, mommy is fine now." Draco smiled.

"Okay, I don't like when mommy upset. It makes me upset, because when mommy is upset then daddy is upset and then I am upset because I have to stay with Aunt Mione and Uncle Ron and I miss you!"

Draco felt a wide smile break across his face, and his heart loose much of the heaviness that had been on it.

"And I miss you too, dear. I don't like it when mommy is upset either."

A love that lingers (Sequel to 'Secrets')Where stories live. Discover now