Authors note: new story!?

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Hello lovelys! So, do not worry, I am in no way shape or form leaving this Drarry series.
I just need a break.

I have been writing this story line for so long, and I am loosing inspiration and ideas for it. I will still try and get some new chapters up, but I can't say when.

Lately my meds have been taking me on an emotional roller coaster and things  have been rough.

I know that you will all understand, as oh are all amazing readers and people, I love you all.

Now to explain the title of this chapter;


Yes, it will be Drarry, buuuuuuuuut-

Drumroll pleeeeeease!

I really wanna do a Fem! Draco story.

I know that this will be controversial between all of you, but it is something I have been wanting to do for a while now, and something I really hope you will enjoy when it comes out.

As always, thank your for your time, I love you all, and good bye (for now)

A love that lingers (Sequel to 'Secrets')Where stories live. Discover now