Picture Frame

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"What hurt you?"



A lamp threw across the living room and smashed as it was chucked from Harry's hand.

The whole house was a disaster, from the drunk man throwing anything he could.


He had left.

He had left with Scorpius.

Why was Harry such an idiot!?

He yelled angrily and threw a glass vase, which hit a shelf and caused a loud shatter as picture frames went clattering to the ground, the glad shattering and rolling a few pictures.

Harry slowly walked over and bent down, staring at the pictures.

Draco and him on a date at Hogwarts.

Harry petting Draco's ears.

Draco's belly bump.

The day wen Scorpius was born and Draco holding him.

Harry kissing Draco.

Their wedding day.

Their anniversary.

Harry sniffled loudly and picked up the pictures, holding them tightly to his chest, as he began sobbing loudly on the floor.

"I-I've lost them-" he cried.

"I can't do this Harry!" Draco had cried loudly.

"Draco please!"

"No, you-you hurt me- you promised you would never hurt me! Scorp knows, Harry!"

Harry's face had fallen blank as the door slammed, leaving Harry alone in the apartment.


A love that lingers (Sequel to 'Secrets')Where stories live. Discover now