What are we going to do

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His body shaking with fear, Draco curled up tightly in the corner of the Weasleys patched sofa.

His husband lay unconscious on the floor in front of him, being overlooked by not only Draco but Harry's two best friends as well.
Draco glanced down at Harry, a sigh escaping his mouth through his parted lips.

"How did this happen to us?"

Draco sighed and handed Scorpius to Hermione, who held the small child close. He bent down and, with a bit of a struggle, lifted up Harry onto the couch and laid him out. He spread out the home knitted blanket across the drunk mans body.
Draco sat on the edge of the sofa next to him, holding his limp hand in his own, stroking Harry's palm with his thumb.
He let out an audible sigh and closed his eyes, and lifted up their hands to press a kiss to the back of Harry's hand.
Hermione gave a knowing look towards Ron, who also caught her drift and they slowly and quietly exited the room, leaving to two men alone.

"What are we going to do Harry?"

A love that lingers (Sequel to 'Secrets')Where stories live. Discover now