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It's 8:00 at night and all 3 potters and Malfoy are in detention. Just as this happens he gets letters from Draco and Harry, checking up on their kids.

Two owls arrives. One was black and the other was white. They both carried letters. Neville grabbed them both and read who they were from, "Harry and Draco," Neville thought, "This is going to be bad." He opened Harry's letter first, then Draco's. They both asked how their children were doing. Neville was worried. He wrote to each of them everything was fine. He would tell them the truth when the time came. Neville sent out each of the owls and walked to his classroom, where all four of the students he had detained were waiting.

James, Albus, and Lily were talking amongst each other. "What do you think we'll tell dad?" "We wont pin brain." "What about mummy? Nothing gets past her." "Umm.....Al you take this one." "No, you're older." "And you saved the world." "True." "Guys, I'm more worried about whet mummy will do more than daddy." All three Potters exchanged looks of worry. Scorpius thought, "Oh, no. What will father say? What will father do? What will father think? What will he think of me? What will he think of Albus? What will he think of me in detention? What will he think of the reason I'm in here?" Then Neville came through the door. He was genuinely angry, but kept his composure. He said, "Oi, all of four of you are in detention for stupid reasons. I've sent letters to your parents saying everything was fine, but I will tell them the truth. Now first I have to ask each of you what was your reasoning behind what you did. First you James. What the hell were you doing past curfew?" James looked worried, but said coolly, "Um...nothing sir. I was just wondering because I wasn't tired." Neville looked dumbfounded by James' response, but then wrote it down anyways. Then he said, "Lily, James. Outside. Don't go anywhere." They marched outside and Neville cast, "Mufflatio" so prying ears couldn't hear. Then he asked, "You two, how long and what were you thinking?" Albus and Scorpius blushed and Albus spoke up, "Um...five months sir. We were just kissing and it was a free period. I guess I took it too far." He wrote down the response and got Lily and James back in. Then he said, "Lily you can't just punch people-" "But he called girls weak." Lilly interrupted. Neville wrote down the response and said, "Oi, all four of you will clean up and count how many plants I have, because someone has been taking them. Also, I need you find Shrivlefig, Moly, and Gillyweed. Don't ask questions, and no magic." He sat the front, tending to some over grown roots and weeds. Then he walked towards a desk and started writing two letters. They were to Harry and Draco, explain his last letter was a lie and that both their kids were in detention.

Albus and James swept, while Lily and Scorpius cut the over grown vines, branches, roots, and pulled out weeds. James asked, "Why did Neville want us out of you two?" Scorpius and Albus blushed as they both tried to hide it. Albus said, facing away from James, "Um...we threw dung bombs into Filch's office and it went really bad." James and Lily looked dissatisfied with the answer, but continued to clean. Scorpius and Albus counted Neville's plants, while James and Lily looked for the plants Neville wanted. James whispered to Lily, "What do you actually think landed them in detention?" Lily answered, "I don't know, but I have Veratasium." James asked, "Who should we try it on?" Lily answered, "Both, just so we can get it out of both of them." James and Lily continued collecting the plants Neville needed, but made a plan to find out what happened to their brother and his friend.

While Albus and Scorpius were counting Neville's plants, Scorpius noticed something. Scorpius said, "Mr. Longbottom, I think I know who's been taking your plants." Neville got up and walked towards the back. He saw gnomes. He grabbed all of them and chucked them into the forbidden forest. He came back and said ,"As long asa you are all done, you can go back to your dorms." They all ran to their dorms. James took Lily to their common room and Albus and Scorpius ran to the dungeon.

Once the two boys reached their beds, and were ready for bed, the fell asleep. They didn't fall asleep in each other's arms though. The lack of each other was a hard burden, but Horace checked on them and they were in deep sleeps.

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