Leave Me Alone/Never

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Third Person POV
When morning arose Scorpius and Albus awoke and did their morning routine: get up, wash face, do hair, get dressed. They went to the Great Hall where cold stares of sympathy, confusion, empathy, and unknowingness radiated through the air. They were not greeted by the usual happy tones of their friends, but instead a cold, "Hey," from Rebecca and Jordan. They are in an awkward silence.
The uncomfortableness of their peers became too much and Scorpius left. He went to the restricted section of the library to read some incredibly dark fiction. The usual positivity of the Malfoy boy was unseen today, as if it had never existed. Scorpius hated the world right now for many reasons. Where was his father? What's happening? Why is this happening? Why can't people just leave them alone? He just had enough of it and started to read The Tale of the Poison Dagger by Theodore Grindilson. This was actually his favorite book and no one knew he liked dark fiction.
Albus searched for his boyfriend. "Scorpius?! Scorpius?!" He repeatedly called. No answer. "Scorpius?!" He called. Then he realized he was probably in the library, reading. He ran to the library and panted when he got there. He asked Madam Irma Prince, "Is he here?" She nodded and pointed towards the restricted section. Albus rolled his eyes and walked into the restricted section. He cared softly, "Scorpius? Scorpius?" "Over here Al." Called his boyfriend. Albus walked towards him and asked, "Hey, why did you run away babe?" Scorpius started to tear and said, "They don't understand anything Al. They don't understand what's going on, no one does! There is no answers for us, for anyone. I-I-I just want to be left alone." Scorpius turned away from Albus and Weber back to reading his book. Albus got in front of him and pushed the book from his face. He said, "Hey Scorpius, if you wanted to be left alone just say it. I'm here and so is Rose and James and Lily and Hugo-" "Al....you don't understand. You have parents and I have a father. You have cousins and siblings and I don't. I've always been left alone and it was nice. Then I met you and you filled my void and I can risk loosing you to anything. I just- I just- I just want to be left alone." Scorpius tried to go back to reading his book, but Albus forced his lips upon his. "Oh Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, you knew the moment you met me you would never be left alone." He kissed him again. Scorpius pushed away and said, "Al! Not right now. Stop that." "Stop what?!" Albus kissed him over and over agin until Scorpius smiled. They held each other's foreheads to each other. Albus said, "There's the boy I fell in love with and I'll keep fall in love with him every moment of every day to the end of time." Scorpius smiled at that and put the book away. He said, "Then why don't we take this to other places so you can show me that love even more and I can show you mine." Albus and Scorpius smiled and ran off to their room.
~time skip~
Albus fell onto Scorpius and they finished. They were breathing heavily as for what they just had done. Albus smiled and kissed his lover. Scorpius said, "Al we have classes in a few now come on." "Fine." Albus roles his eyes and fixed himself up to go to class. Today they had potions, defense against the dark arts, herbology, care of magical creatures, Transfiguration, Astrology, and Charms.
Once they finished fixing themselves, Scorpius filled their bags with their books and they ran to class. Surprisingly they were the first to arrive. Professor Slughorm was writing down an recipe for the Draught of Living Death and the Draught of Peace. Professor Snape's picture was giving him instructions on what to write. Professor Slughorn turned to see the two boys, "Ah, Potter and Malfoy have returned I see. Well if you're here you may as well help by putting out the ingredients and everything else for me." He turned back around and Albus and Scorpius started to put everything where it belonged. Then everyone filed into the dungeon. Everyone was talking as they came in, ignoring Scorpius and Albus as they did. Then Professor Slughorn yelled, "Quiet!" And everyone was silent.

[okay I forgot to note earlier in the story (even though this was not canon) they are in an advanced potions class (again not cannon.)]

He said, "Today you will be brewing two extremely precise and difficult potions. Only a few have successfully made the second one you will be brewing today, otherwise known as the Draught of the Living Dead. This was only achieved by former Professor and Headmaster Severus Snape and Mr. Harry James Potter. Mr. Potter however, was only able to achieve this by reading the book of Professor Snape from which then he was a teenager, and as a teenager he showed a significant amount skill in potion brewing. Now you will follow that exact recipe to make it after you make the Draught of Peace to calm your nerves when you take your O.W.L.S. Now you have to the end of class to brew both so one partner will makes the first draught as the other makes the second draught. Your time starts now."
Everyone rushed to make each potion. It took all period to brew each potion correctly and precisely and even then only 5 of the 20 pairs of students were able to do it correctly. The rest just barley made it by. They tried to follow the instructions but failed in the end due to the mishaps of preparing the potion's ingredients. One pairing messed up so badly when they added too much of the ingredients of the Draught of Peace. When Professor Slughorn noticed this, one of the students was about to test it out. He ran to the student and said, "You have added too much and if you were to have tried this you would have been put into an almost irreversible sleep. Everyone make note of this, you will follow my instructions precisely for both potions, but especially for the Draught of Peace or there will devastating consequences, is that understood?!" "Yes sir." The class said in unison to the professor. To grade each potion, Professor Slughorn had the portrait of Professor Snape look at them and he would say it would pass or fail and which was safe to drink. Many students failed and many potions were thrown out. Only a few were bottled and kept for when the O.W.L.S. came. Albus and Scorpius passed with flying colors. They were fairly good at potions since helping Albus' uncle with making some potions for his store during the summer.
The next of their classes of was defense against the dark arts. Their professor said, "Today I would like to teach something out of the ordinary. It is the Patronus Charm. Now I understand you may be confused and asking 'Why am I not learning this is in Charms class?' The answer is simple because this charm is used not against wizards but against a certain darker creature otherwise known as a dementor. If you find this creature in your textbooks you will see that it eats away at your happiness until you are left with nothing but madness and sadness. Also if it performs a kiss then it will eat your soul. Of course one can live without a soul they would just feel empty." Albus and Scorpius looked at each other with fear, the fear of knowing this creature. "So this is what it is then." whispered Albus to Scorpius. "Must be." Replied Scorpius. The professor turned around and walked directly to Albus and Scorpius' desk and said, "If you two are so eager and chatty then how about you two perform the charm." The students laughed at their scolding and punishment. They walked to the front of the classroom and the professor instructed them to think of their happiness moment ever. They did and said in unison, "Expecto Patronum." Out came the snake from once before in front of Albus and a giant scorpion from Scorpius' wand. The students were in awe of the two creatures. The professor was too. They said, "Um...well, I have no words except your patronus is like your spirit animal. It is the essence of you if you were an animagus. It is a marvelous spectacle of magic, yet it is also a defensive charm only use to ward off dementors, not kill them, for that is almost impossible. Also the patrones charm can produce a shield of magic against dementors if one can not produce an animal." The soft glow of the patronuses followed Scorpius and Albus back to their seats as each animal continued to follow them and remained throughout the entire lesson and then wouldn't fade away for some odd reason after.
After all their classes were over Hagrid, Professor Amirah Deligan (defense against the dark arts) and Neville went to McGonagall's office. "Ma'am," said Professor Deligan, "Their poatronuses haven't faded yet. They are still there and they've been there since my class." "Well maybe they are enjoying each other's presence. They are best friends after all." retorted McGonagall. Neville rolled his eyes and bit his lip, thinking to himself, "Oh boy, they are definitely more then 'just friends'." "Professor Longbottom, care to share your thoughts?" Said McGonagall. "No ma'am. It was nothing. I was just thinking about my wife and our son." "Oh Hannah! How is she and your children?!" McGonagall asked, trying to change the subject. She was far too overworked and busy to be dealing with stationary patronus charms and Malfoy and Potter. Neville smiled and said, "Good, good. Hannah is fine and so is Sabrina, Kai, and the baby. But Headmistress back to the matter at hand, this could be taken as a warning or sign." "The ministry has kept a tight hold on this Professor Longbottom. It's been a long day and it's going to be even longer tomorrow. I don't have the time or energy for this right now-" "Ma'am, with all courtesy, I don't think 'er gettin' it. We could all be in big trouble if the dementors 'scaped from the Ministry." Interrupted Hagrid. "We will discuss this in the morning, end of discussion!" "Yes ma'am." They all said in unison and turned to the door when a loud cash was heard.
The screams of students echoed through the large halls. When the Professors gotten downstairs many of the student's happiness was being eaten away. "There's too many!" Yelled Professor Deligan. The snake of Albus Severus Potter and the scorpion of Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was warding off the dementors around them. The snake hissed and climbed Albus' body, slithering around him. The scorpion stood in front of Scorpius, striking with its tail. Rose cast her patronus and a weasel appeared, flying around, while she held her brother, who had cast an Great Dane. James was with Lily and she had an unicorn while he had a dragon. They were protecting many students, while the professors and head masters cast their patronuses. The shrikes and wails of the dementor made a shrilling sound that was blood curdling and cold as ice. All the patronuses snapped at the sound and started to go after the dementors, pushing them away. One of the dementors had gotten a hold of Albus. "AL!!!!!" Yelled Scorpius. Albus' happiness was being sucked out of him. This enraged Scorpius and he made his patronus go after the dementor holding his lover. "Expecto Patronum!" He yelled, emitting a bright wave of silver light all through out the castle. The dementors backed off and flew away, shrieking and yelling their wails and cries. Glass shattered and everyone ran away from it. Once they had gotten far enough away the students who were curled up in the fetus position were taken to Madam Pomfrey and many calls were soon made after that. "Aresto Momentum." Scorpius ran and caught Albus. Most of the patronuses had faded away, except those of "Malfoy, Potter, and Granger-Weasley. Always a Potter, Granger-Weasly, or Malfoy. ALWAYS!" Shouted the headmistress, who had stormed off, very tired and vey cross. Scorpius held Albus close to him, he wasn't responding. He helped take him to Madam Pomfrey.
"Dear, get some rest and go to bed." "No thank you ma'am. He's the source of my happiness and I'm the source of his. I want to be here when he wakes up." "Okay dear, I understand. You can stay here for the night, but only tonight. He shall wake when morning comes." Said Madam Pomfrey. She was caring and empathetic to her patients, but firm and strict at times too. When they had to suck it up, they sucked it up, no questions asked. When they needed empathy and care that's what she gave. She was truly of her doctoral status at Hogwarts.
Scorpius stayed the night until he woke up and left to go to breakfast at 6. Albus till had not woken up, for he would not wake up for some time. This time the dementors had got him good. They had gotten him for a full minute, which was enough to take a large portion for anyone's happiness. For the rest some woke up and some did not. Madam Pomfrey attended to her patients as usual, but she decided to write a letter for only one of them. "Go to the Ministry." She said, launching her owl into the sky. "Harry, Ginny. Please be there. Your son needs you."

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