Seperated and Scared

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Scorpius POV

It's been 2 days since I got back home. It's only me and my father and the household. I don't know why I'm not allowed to return to school, but I guess it's for the best. I've still got my homework and I am practicing my spells, but I don't know. I just feel empty. Why do I feel empty? I'm sitting on my bed right now, texting Albus.

S:it feels weird without you
A:yeah it does.
S: I miss you
A: I miss you too
S:it's so boring and lonely here
A: try having an annoying brother and sister trying to pry into your love life all the time
S: wait my father is coming. Ttyl Al.
A: bye?

"Hello father." I say nervously. "Hello Scorpius. I am going to teach you three new spells that you have to promise me you won't tell anyone about. They're unforgivable curses that you should only use in a great time of peril. You have to promise me you won't use them selfish reasons or tell anyone I've taught you this." "Yes father." We walk downstairs into the living room. Father takes a spider and makes it bigger. He says, "This one is partly funny, but don't ever use it for foolish purposes. Imperio." The spider goes flying up in the air, like the levitation spell. Father returns it back to his hand and says, "First time I was shown that, it landed on my face." He send the spider over the fire. "That's why you don't use that curse Scorpius, understand." "Yes father." He sets the spider down on his hand and says, "That was the Imperius curse, you are able to control another's actions with it. This is the Cruciatus curse, otherwise known as the torture curse. It inflicts extreme pain on the victim. Crucio." The spider starts squealing in pain. "Father stop!" Tears are brimming my eyes. "Father! Stop it!" He stops it and puts it back in a jar. "The last one is truly unforgivable son. The killing curse. Avada Kedavra." A green light emits from his wand and kills the spider. "Father. Why did you teach me this? Why did you teach me something so unforgivable?" "Because only in mortal danger you shall use these and since you are my only child. If something does happen you need to be ready to use these. I can't loose you too." He hugs me and kisses my head. I'm crying because of what he has just done but I hug him close. I leave and go into the kitchen. Our house elf, Ryuk, was there. "Hello young master." "Hello Ryuk." "What do you want young master?" "An apple and a little chat." "Yes my lord." He sends an apple flying my way. I ask, "So Ryuk, what would you do if you've done something unforgivable." "Punish myself young master." How typical of a house elf. "But if you were human-" "Young master, I am just a house elf and you are just a wizard. We are different." This is what I get for teaching a house elf proper English. I bite into the apple and ask another question, "Are you happy as a house elf?" "Yes, serving you and the house of Malfoy is good." Wow, maybe it's because we don't beat him. I take another bite, "When did you first become employed here Ryuk?" "When your father and mother were first married. Mrs. Malfoy's death was very tragic and unfortunate." "Yeah. I miss mum." I finish my apple and go to my room. I have nothing to do and I can't go outside. I decide to call Albus.
Calling Albus
"Hey Al." "Hey Scorpius, what's up." "Nothing I just really wanted to hear your voice again." "Heh, is that all then?" "No, it's just. Ugh, do you remember when I was in that alternate world or when you were in Griffindor and I was in Slytherin?" "Yeah?" "Well that sorta feels like now again. Separated and scared." "Oh, wow. One sec. PISS OFF JAMES! I'M ON THE PHONE! I don't know, Lily had it last. Shut it James. JAMES! cough cough. James you dung head. cough. Call you back Scorpius I have to deal with something."

Albus POV

I run after James. "You bloody idiot. Why the hell would you do that?!" I tackle him and hold him down. Mum sees, "What in the name of Merlin, is going on here?!" "James threw a dung bomb into my room." I say. "James? Did you throw a dung bomb-Oh wait never mind. I can smell it from here." She walks off to probably open a window. "AND OI! cough . GET OFF YOUR BROTHER AL!" She screams.
I get off and walk away angrily, stomping as I went. "Oi, you're only pissed because I interrupted your little chat with Scorpius." Don't do it. "Ha, he wouldn't last a day without you." Don't do it. "Hell, he probably only became friends with you for protection." Don't do it. "Little blonde arsehole he is." "Petrificus Totalus." His body stiffens and he falls to the floor. I run to the cupboard under the stairs. I start to cry. Piss off James. Scorpius is not weak. I hold my knees close to me and sob.
I hear mum scream about James and scream my name. I come out of the cupboard and say, "Yes mum." The tears fall from my face. I feel so angry and sad, I feel rage. "Albus why would you do this?" Mum asks. "He was bad mouthing Scorpius and wouldn't shut up." "When your father comes home he'll deal with you." Mum tried to help James while I run upstairs.
I'm just sobbing silently in my pillow. I hear the door open. "Al, are you crying?" I hear someone ask. I turn to face them; Lily's standing there. I say, "What do you think." I sniffle and she lays next to me. She hugs me and says, "Al don't cry over spilled poison." "But Lily, I don't think you've ever been in love or have someone love you the way-" "The way Scorpius does? Yeah I haven't, but there is no use in crying now. You'll see him eventually again." "Yeah, I guess you're right, but for some reason I feel empty and hollow, like an empty shell."  "You two really do belong together." "Heh." I stop crying and hug Lily. We break and she asks, "Do you want to prank James?" "Sure." I say. I follow her and she puts a blue liquid on his pillow. She gives me a bottle and whispers, "Pour it on the other pillow too." We run out of the room and into mine. I ask her, "What was that blue stuff." "Invisible dye. It's like the hat Uncle Ron gave James, except now it's in his pillow and will make him blue. Totally safe and washes off." I laugh and ask, "What are you going to do when he asks for you to help him?" "Spray him with water." "Hahaha, that's great Lily." She hugs me and asks, "Feel better now?" "Yeah thanks Lily." "Anytime Al, anytime." She walks out and to her own room. I smile and look at the picture of Scorpius and I. They're kissing because that's what we were doing when I first asked Scorpius to be my boyfriend. Jordan took the picture because some how he found out where we were and took a picture. He told Rebecca the day after and let me keep the photo and gave a copy to Scorpius. I miss Scorpius so much, I still am scared, but not as much. This separation is not a barrier, it's an obstacle that will crumble. I miss him so much. This is love I guess. It's a horrible and wonderful feeling then. I fall asleep until dad comes home.


For anyone who got my references in this chapter receives a shout out next chapter. Just comment all the refs you find. Who ever finds all of them is the luck winner(s). Good luck and no cheating.

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