Whomping Willow

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"Come on Scorpius!" Yells Albus, "We're nearly there!" "Why are we going to the Whomping Willow exactly?" Asks Scorpius. "Because why not!" Yells Albus. Scorpius told his eyes and continued to follow Albus up the hill to the tree. It was an old tree that whomped whoever or whatever got near. When they reached near the tree, the willow started to attack them. Scorpius and Albus backed away. Albus seeing this as quite fun, dodging the branches. Scorpius however, was very scared of the tree. "Albus, can't we just go to Hagrid's?" Begged Scorpius. "Fine baby." Teased Albus. Albus ran down the hill holding Scorpius' hand.
Albus knocked on the gamekeeper's door. The door opened up and Hagrid stood there. "Hey Al. Hey Scorpius." Said the half-giant. "Hey Hagrid." The two boys said in unison. "What 'er brings you out 'er?" He asked. "The willow." Said Albus. Scorpius said, "I was dragged." Albus smirked at his boyfriend's look of dread on his face. Hagrid said, "Oh that. That 'as been 'er befur 'er fathers was born. It was planted there when I was a student 'er." "Wow." Said Scorpius in awe. Albus sat down and petted Fang, while Scorpius talked about the fantastic beasts of the wizarding world.
Albus got bored and left with anyone noticing. He ran o the willow and jumped and dodged the branches. Then he was grabbed by one of the branches, luckily Scorpius noticed and tried to save him. Scorpius ran outside and rolled his eyes. He cast a spell and got Albus out safely. Scorpius walked up to Albus and slap him right across the face. "Ow, what was that for?!" Yelled Albus. Scorpius rolled his eyes and helped Albus up. "You didn't answer my question." Said Albus. "I saved your ass again." Said Scorpius coldly. "Whatever." Said Albus, who pulled Scorpius into a quick kiss. Scorpius blushed and the two bus went inside the castle.
Scorpius pushed Albus against a wall. "Why do you always do stupid things Al? Why can't you do a non-stupid thing for once?" Asked Scorpius. Albus grabbed Scorpius' wrists and said, "Why do you come along with me then?" Albus kissed Scorpius again, releasing his grip from Albus' collar. Albus smirked and turned them around. He pinned Scorpius' hands behind his back. He kisses him again and said, "That's what you get for being such a good boyfriend Scorpy." The blonde boy rolled his eyes and smiled at the Potter before him. "My fisher will hear about this." "Shut up Malloy." They said quoting their fathers. Albus released his grip on Scorpius and took out a piece of parchment paper and a quill. He started to draw what resembled the Whomping Willow, but not quite. He threw it out and burned it.
Scorpius hovered over Albus' head and said, "You need to do your defense against the dark arts homework." "I know. It's just I don't know how." Said Albus, trying to avoid doing it. "Al da really easy. All you need to do is write about werewolves." Said Scorpius trying to get Albus to do his own homework. "What page is it again?" Asked Albus. "Turn to page 394." Scorpius said, quoting a certain former professor/headmaster. Albus opened his textbook and said, "Werewolves are creatures of half-man, half-wolf. They turn once a month at the full moon. Though there has been ways to prevent this, only one has suffices. Wolfsbane. What's wolfsbane?" "A plant, ask Professor Longbottom. I'm taking a shower by the way." Said Scorpius. "Oh, you are?" Said Albus slyly. "Shut up and read Al." Scorpius said walking away. Albus continued, "Werewolves have no memory of when they turn. They can kill their best friend without even knowing. Werewolves are hideous and malicious beasts, but that's only when they turn. Ugh this is so boring." He kept reading until Scorpius came out of the shower.
Scorpius wore some pants (trousers) and a green and white striped shirt under a green and black robe with the distinctive crest of Slytherin. Albus had done his homework and was fairly tired. Scorpius crept quietly towards Albus and then kissed him in the lips. Albus was only half asleep and was now wide awake. He put both arms around Scorpius' neck and pulled him down into him. He let go and smiled, "Jerk." "You're the one who pulled me onto you." "True. I'm going to take that shower now and be right back." "Okay." Scorpius laid down on Albus' bed and made the pillows on his bed look like he was under the covers. He waited for Albus to come out and when he did Albus just wore some pants and boxers. Scorpius looked in awe over his body. Albus got on top of Scorpius. He pinned Scorpius down and kissed him. Scorpius then got on top of Albus and made his hands go behind his back. Scorpius kissed Albus and traced a finger down his abs. Scorpius kissed each of his abs and then laid next to Albus and said, "You are so fucking sexy Potter." "And you are irresistible yourself Malfoy." Said Albus. Scorpius smiled and kissed Albus. He then fell asleep in Albus' arms until THUD!

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