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Albus' POV

"Scorpius! Scorpius!" I whispered to my boyfriend, "Wake up!" "W-what, what time is it?" "Four in the morning." "Go back to sleep." "No, I'm getting out of here. They're much safer without me." "But-" "Come on Scorpius, Rose is going to meet us outside." "Wait, I did not consent to this." Scorpius gestured to me. "I know that, that's why your going by force." "Al-" Bofre he could finish scolding me I made us disapperate outside to Rose, who was waiting for us. I managed to convince Rose to come with us. I'm not as bright as Scorpius or Rose, but I'm strong. Rose is strong and smart and Scorpius is smart, yet he is the weakest of the three of us. We're all pretty strong, but we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Hopefully we don't die out there.
"What the bloody hell is going on here?!" screams Scorpius as I cover his mouth. "Lets go now Rose." She nods her head and hands me a broom. I shove Scorpius onto another and say, "We need to go now Scorpius, they're much safer without us." Rose and I hover waiting for Scorpius to say something. "Why? Why not just go with them where we would be much stronger?" "We're the primary targets here Scorpius, not them. They'd be much safer not knowing where we are." He stutters in a single moment of hesitation, "F-fine. The faster we go, the less I get to change my mind." "Okay." I said as we all flew off into the vast Canadian forest.
We flew for what felt like an eternity, but was only a few hours. We found a small cave after all that flying. Rose cast a bunch of spells to protect us and conceal us. Merlin, mum and dad must be worried sick, not to mention everyone else. I'm sorry, but we had to go. "Is the barrier up yet?" I ask, laying down on the cold, hard, stone floor. "Yes it is ready Al." Says Rose a bit agitated from the lack of sleep. She was like a monster when she didn't have enough, she wasn't the pretty flower that her name so portrayed. She became the thorns that the flower her name bared on its stem. Or maybe simply she was on her period so she was acting more like a bitch than usual. "Oi, get up." demanded Rose as she opened up her bag, "I put an undetectable extension charm on it before we left. Now get up so I can put down a tent." Rose summoned the tent out and the tent propped itself up. The cave was quite large so the tent fit nicely. We walked in and there were a few rooms that were all visible when entered. "Four beds, a kitchen, a living room, a couch, a-" "I think they get the point." I said totally NOT breaking the fourth wall or cutting off Scorpius. "Stop breaking the fourth wall Al." scolded Rose as we walked to the beds. There were two on either side, meaning two identical bunk beds on either side of the room, facing adjacently to each other, that were in identical positions in the two rooms on the left and right sides. "Isnt't this your granddad's tent?" "Well I mean technically my mum stole it, so it's hers in a way." "So basically you stole it." "Yep and I'm tired so good night." Said Rose as she swaggered away towards her bed, passing out as her head hit the pillow. "You're still sleeping with me Scorp." I said, gesturing him to come with me. He followed me but then-

Scorpius' POV

"Fuck!" I screamed as I tripped on myself. I fell forwards onto Albus, which made him fall on the bed face first. "Ow." Moans Albus in pain. Then he covers his mouth and says, "My toof." "Your what?" I say with Albus looking pissed and panicked at me. "My toof you affhole." says Albus, now growing more angry. He summons a small towel and looks through Roses books for a spell or potion or food that could regrow his missing tooth. He had wetted the small towel and put it on the bleeding spot where his tooth used to be. He held his tooth in a spell and placed it in a nearby jar. I got out my wand a lifted his chin to face me. Then I said, "Densaugeo." Which made all his teeth grow at an alarming rate, but did regrow the lost one. Then I cast the shrinking charm to reverse this, but still keep the newly grown tooth, "Reducio." His teeth shrunk back to a normal size. "Idiot." Albus says with disgust. "I'm the one who regrew your tooth." "Your the one who knocked it out." "S-sorry Albus." I said weakly. "It was my fault after all, but why is he acting like this?" I questioned to myself.  "Just go to sleep." Said Albus annoyed. "It's sleep deprivation. This is why you don't go late at night or even at all." I thought again, scolding Albus silently. I crawled next to him and pulled the blanket over us. Rose had brought three pillows and three thin blankets because that was all she could stuff in such a short time without being noticed. "I still hate myself for even going along with this stupid plan in the first place." I thought in the silence, "Wait isn't this the same fucking thing Al's and Roses' parents did when they were 17? No, no. It can't be." I tried to convince myself we weren't in the same situation, 24 years ago, that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley were in. It was no use because we were. "Oh great, last year we almost fucked up the course of history and now we're being chased by batshit crazy assholes." I thought sarcastically to myself. "Why did I fall in love with this asshole? Oh yeah, because I fell in love with him." I kept talking to myself in my head until a heavy sleep overcame me and I was wrapped in Albus' arms.

When Hermione awoke in the morning so did everyone else. She shrieked so loudly, she might have been mistaken for a banshee. "'mione, what's all the-" Ron was cut off by his wife, handing him a note. Ron brought the note closer and read it aloud, "Dear Mum, Dad, and everyone else, you will not find Scorpius, Albus, or I when you wake in the morning. We are safe, I sure you but DO NOT come looking for us. It is dangerous and will pose a great threat to everyone's existence, especially yours. I do not care how angry Mum gets DO NOT come looking for us. I cannot tell you where we are. It is safer for everyone. Love, Rose." "H-Hermione. She was thinking and I-" "We're looking for them." said Hermione furiously. Ron and Hermione exchanged a lovely argument filled with colorful words, before Ron had convinced Hermione, "It's safer for everybody." 

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