Neo-Death Eaters

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While the events of the past week unfolded at Hogwarts, there was a cavern that held a meeting of the Dark Lord's most loyal followers and their children.

Third Person POV

There was a dim light that lit and warmed the cold cavern. Children of all ages and their parents gathered around. The cavern populated a group of 24, being 10 adults and 14 children, ranging in ages 5 to 15. "Mummy, I'm cold." Said a little girl with black hair, holding onto her mother's cloak. "Can we get another fire going?" Said a man with a deep voice. The original fire only grew in size to accompany everyone. Blankets were passed around as the members gathered around. A woman of average height, silver and black hair, pale skin; wearing no more than a black dress and a large cloak, spoke, "We have all gathered around because I have found a way to bring back our savior, Lord Voldemort. He who had a vision of a new age of wizard kind, but was defeated by those who stand of the lesser muggles and squib, those who tarnish what it is to be a wizard. I, Raine Thorne, have found the last reminisce of the Dark Lord, the one who so many have feared. This necklace of which I possess contains of what is left of his soul and I plan to reincarnate him into a sacrifice of one soul for another and to humiliate the chosen one by taking his son, Albus Severus Potter." "Is that why you let the dementors attack?" "Yes Raymond, yes, yes." A boy of the age no more than 17 came running into the cavern. "The boy survived! The boy survived!" he chanted as he ran to Raine. Everyone stared at him with disbelief that anyone could survive a dementor attack at the age of fifteen without knowing the patronus charm. "Wait...what if the boy knew-" "The patronus charm? Highly unlikely." said a man interrupting his wife's hypothesis. "But Nathaniel-" "Enough Morgana." "No Nathaniel, let her speak." said Raine. "Well it would be inquired that Hogwarts, as well as many other schools have taught more defensive and offensive charms now, if ever another attack would happen again." "Yes, yes that would be most likely. The boy may have produced a patronus charm and protected himself or someone else may have." said Raine, now circling the group. "Is she really the illegitimate child of Bellatrix Lestrange?" whispered a woman to another. Raine heard this and apparated behind her, pointing her wand at the woman's neck. "Now, do we have a problem with me being the bastard child of my mother and her lover?" asked Raine, obviously annoyed. "N-no ma'am." said the witch, quivering with fear. Raine lowered her wand and whispered next tot her ear, "Good." Raine returned to circling the group once more, "Anyone else have to say anything? No, good." Raine blasted a spell into the fire, which made the fames soar up with great fury, turning blue in the process. "Find this child and bring him to me. I want to personally make sure hiss body is a husk so we can start a new age on earth, a new age of wizard kind that will bring the muggles to their knees." Raine shouted manically. "Well don't just sit there. Find him! Find him! Find Albus Potter and bring him to me!" she barked furiously as her eyes glowed red with rage, as well as the necklace she wore around her neck.
As everyone flew out of the cavern in black clouds of smoke, Raine fell to her knees laughing like a madwoman as the fire dulled back to its original state. "So my sister may have failed you my lord but I will not. I will carry out your bidding once and for all. I will carry out your unfinished work and in your name I honor thee, Tom Marvalo Riddle." The necklaced glowed again, but instead of the red it once shone, it softly turned an eerie, emerald green. The fire dimmed into the same color, showing a face, the face of a young man of the age 16 with brown hair, combed back into that of a rich boy. This was the younger version of Voldemort when he was a young wizard, still in school, except his eyes filled were filled with a black smoke. Then he spoke in the youthful tone he once had, "You called?" "Yes master. The plan had to be altered. His soul is still there." "What?!" "M-master. D-don't worry though. We are trying to find the boy as we speak and turn him into an empty husk for you. I-I will personally make sure it w-works master." "You better not fail me Raine like Delphini did. Stupid girl." "Yes master. I will carry out your legacy." "You better." said Voldemort, dousing the flames as he did. The necklace stopped glowing as Raine looked at it and admired all of it's beauty. It was a large, black diamond, strung up by a silver chain. She cried softly as she held it in her hands. "I will not disappoint you master." said Raine, as she took out her wand and disapperated in a cloud of thick, black smoke to elsewhere. As she did this a she casted a spell and the dark mark once again appeared in the sky, showing everyone that he was back again and nothing would stop him from enacting his revenge this time.

~Bonus~ ~Harry's Agony~

Third Person POV

Harry's scar burned with such rage that he held his head in agony of the burning sensation that always would indicate the actions of the dark lord. Harry was flashed visions of a cavern of people gathered around a campfire. Then he was flashed a vision of a woman who resembled that of Bellatrix Lestrange. Though it was not her, the woman acted almost exactly like her in every way possible, from the obvious insanity to her mannerisms. Then he heard a voice that was of obvious femininity, but sounded so frail yet a recognizable tone of insanity was heard. "He shall rise again in the body of the descendant of his enemy." said the voice. Then the pain ceased and Harry pulled on his glasses to face his concerned wife. "Harry....what's wrong dear?" Ginny asked anxiously. "" Ginny quickly dialed the phone. "He needs to speak with you now." Said Ginny, quickly handing the phone to Harry. "S-something's happening Hermione, something bad. It's an upsing and I think they're planning on using my children to being him back." "I thought he couldn't come back." "Maybe a shred of his soul survived Hermione." "Then he wouldn't-" "It's dark magic Hermione, anything can happen. Now I think they're planning on putting his soul into the body of one of my children." "That would be most probable, but Harry can we discuss this in the morning? It's five in the morning." "Yes of course Hermione." "Goodbye Harry." "Goodbye Hermione." said Harry as he gave the phone back to his wife to hang up. "War is coming Ginny. We need to prepare for war." "But tonight you need to rest Harry. You are always the first one to run into battle, but you need to understand you have allies to fight with you Harry and sleep is one of them, so rest and we talk about this tomorrow." Said Ginny, falling asleep as before. Harry close his eyes and tried to sleep soundly, but this was only the beginning.

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