The Truth Be Out

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So Lily and James plan to get the truth out from both Scorpius and Albus. Let's make this Saturday.

Saturday afternoon and Albus and Scorpius are cuddling in their dorm. They hear a knock and Scorpius gets off of Albus. Albus gets the door and it's Grayson Herald. He said, "Oi, for some reason your brother and sister want to see you two." Albus and Scorpius get up and walk out of the dungeon. They were greeted by James and Lily. Then Lily and James walked them to an empty broom closet. "Mufflatio." Lily said. Lily and James tied up the two boys so they couldn't move. Then Lily put a drop of something into Scorpius' and Albus' mouths with an eyedropper. Then James held his wand to his brother's head. Lily then held Scorpius' hair, so he was looking at her. She said, "No one can hear you and all we want are answers. We won't hesitate to shock you both." Scorpius looked towards his boyfriend. They were both panic-stricken. Scorpius didn't want Albus to get hurt, much less himself. Scorpius said, "Okay, I'll talk." Tears started to form in both of their eyes. Albus was about to say no, but thought against it. Lily said, "Now, we know you like Rose, so exaclty how many years have you liked her?" "Should be 5 now." Said Scorpius. JAmes looked at Lily. Lily continued, "What's your midddle name?" Scorpius was confused, but answered anyway, "Hyperion." Then James blurted out, "Quick. What's your boyfriend's name?" "Albus." Everyone gasped. Scorpius didn't knew what he said 'till he'd said it. Scorpius tried to save them by saying, "I'd thought you'd said bestfriend, not boyfriend. Yeah, Albus is my bestfriend, bestfrie-." Before Scorpius could finish  Albus had enough of hiding. HE yelled, "You lying bastard! I've had enough of hiding Scorp. They already know, we should tell them the rest." Albus had two streams of tears flowing down his cheeks and his cheeks were red. Albus was obviously sad and angry at everyone, including himself. He said more calmly, "Lily, James, untie us now or I will tell dad." Lily and James untied the two boys and Albus held Scorpius, as he was falling over from exhaustion. Albus said, "Look you made him pass out. I'm not telling you sh*t now." Albus said, "Alohamora." And the door opened.
He ran to the dungeons and ran inside the common room before James and Lily could get them. He said, "Don't open the door for my family ever again."

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