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Albus' POV
It was the most horrid thing I've ever seen. Dad had told me about them and how they sucked the happiness and life out of everything. It was cruel and horrid and made me cringe with fear. The sheer terror and feeling of emptiness and sadness was all that anyone felt it in its presence. From the icy chill to the immense tension in the room it could tell, it was a dementor. The dementor saw me, but then I was pulled back to underneath the bed. It got a good taste of my happiness though. Rose turned me to face her. She whispered, "Quickly Al, think of the happiness moment of your life." "Wait why?" "Just do it because my life has been very shitty so far and yours has not." I quickly thought of the happiness moment of my life so far. "Hi you're Scorpius, I'm Albus. I mean I'm Scorpius, you're Albus." The happiness moment of my life was when I met himReality snapped back and Rose said, "Say expecto patronum." "Expect Patronum." A snake came from my wand. It was fierce and menacing, as well as hypnotizing. It moved slowly in its path, making an "s" shape as it slithered across the floor. It warded off the dementor, slithering around the foot of the bed. It finally flew away, crashing through the window. The snake slithered up to me and then faded away as the charm ended its effect. It was beautiful and graceful, not doing any harm, but also protecting those around it. "Al, get out from under there." Coaxed James. I rolled out and was pulled up by Scorpius. I felt a little dizzy and nauseous due to me being the closest one to the dementor. I swear the happiness just felt like it was being sucked from me and all the happiness in the world just went out. Rose pulled out some chocolate and gave it to me. She said, "Here, this will make you feel better." I took it and started to eat it. I did feel warmer, but still a little sickly. Rose walked up to window and said, "Reparo." The window fixed itself as if it were never broken. She then pointed her wand towards James' bags and everything piled in them. She then said, "Oi go to your room and pack. We can't stay here." The old Rose was back and it took an dementor to remind herself that your mind is sometimes more needed than your heart.

Scorpius' POV
I grabbed Al's hand and ran to our room. I packed our things and grabbed it bags. I asked him, "Do you still feel ill Al?" "A bit." He said. I kissed him and asked, "Better?" "Better." We ran to the fireplace and Rose gave us a bit of floo power. "Encendio." The fire place started. She threw down some floo powder, turning the flames an emerald green. She stepped in the fire and said, "Griffindow Common Room." The flames engulfed her and she was gone. All of us followed after her.
We tumbled through to our common room. Thank god Rebecca and Jordan were there. They helped us up. Rebecca asked, "What the bloody hell-" I stopped her, "Long story. Explain later." We ran to Head Mistress McGonagal's room. She was waiting there with Professor Trelawny. She said, "What you have done was very dangerous and very daft." Rose, James, and Lily were there too. "But I completely understand why you've done what you've done. Your parents are alright. They are in the ministry right now." She got up and turned to us, "But I've sent a message already but you will probably be in trouble. As for now off to your rooms classes start tomorrow again." We said goodbye and walked silently to our rooms.
When we got back to our common room everyone was standing there. Then the endless questions filled the awkward silence. We were bombarded by questions. Then Al said, "Oh just shut up. Quiet all of you. It's late and we're tired so shut it." Al stormed off and I quickly followed behind him. He locked the door and cast, "Mufflatio." He had a weird look in his eyes that was very seductive. He pushed me onto the bed and said, "I think we deserve this." I smiled and said, "Definitely." I brought my arms around his beck and pulled him down into a kiss.

Rose's POV
we got back the common room. People just started to blurted out questions. I cast, "Avis." A bunch of birds came out of my wand and everyone stepped back as the birds started to attack them. James, Lily and I parted ways as we made our peaceful ascent up the stairs. I was dead tired and beat. All I wanted was peace and sleep. I started to drift when a loud knock was at my door. I opened it and there was a little blonde girl asking too many questions at once. I was annoyed and so I shut the door on her. She knocked again. I was really cross now. I opened up the door and yelled, "OI STOP THAT NOW YOU LITTLE BRAT!" She shut up and then smiled as if she didn't do anything. She started to ask questions again. Then I cast another spell which sent her flying backwards. I said, "Shut up." I slammed my door and went to sleep.

Albus' POV
I brought Scorpius closer to me. I was cold even though it was almost June. I pulled the back of his head close to me and wrapped my other arm around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my chest. He turned to me and said, "Al I need you to promise me something." "Why?" "Because.....I just need you to do it." "Fine what do you need? I'm tired Scorp." "I need you to promise you will never leave me." "And why would I leave you?" "It's just with everything going on it's-" "Shut up and go to sleep love. I'm too tired to be doing this tonight." "Goodnight Al." "Goodnight Scorpy."

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