I'm Not Going, Even if it Means Dying

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~Skip to midday a week later~
All of them have taken home and now everyone is fleeing England or fighting which means separation with no contact.

"No I wont go, not without Scorpius." "I'm sorry Al, but we all need to scatter. They are coming for you and everyone else." "And what's going to stop them from taking someone else?!" "The prophecy." "I don't care about some stupid prophecy, but if it's already determined then what's the point." "To bide our time and make sure the prophecy never happens." "And what if I kill myself?!" "Albus Severus Potter, do not talk like that!" "Like what dad? If I'm dead are they just going to use my empty body dad? Seriously, you fought their leader and won! Why can't you just go and fight again?!" "BECAUSE PEOPLE HAVE DIED IN MY NAME AND I DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN ALBUS!" yelled Harry at his son angrily. There was an tense moment of silence between the father and son. Then Albus spoke, "So running like a coward is your plan dad?" "This isn't cowardice-" "No, then what is it dad? If it isn't cowardice then what is it?!" Harry didn't have an answer for this. He thought it was strategy up to this point, but was this really strategy or a means of cowardice? Harry wasn't a coward and neither was his father, that wasn't what the Potters stood for, but if he could avoid conflict he would do so by any means necessary. "Albus Severus Potter, one day you will learn that choices we make are always to protect our loved ones from harm." "And what about my heart? It's going to shatter without him." said Albus with such deep emotion that his father was left speechless. Not knowing what to say or do next, Harry just left his son's room with a, "You're going, end of story." Harry slammed the door and left Albus in his room, crying all by himself without anyone else.
With Harry downstairs, Albus picked up his phone and called Scorpius. "H-hey." "Hey Albus, are you okay?" "N-no. Dad is still taking me to America, but we're going under new names there. He said its become too dangerous to be here, so he said we can't contact each other. He said you should run too with your dad." "Al, I know you. What did you call him?" "A coward, but listen Scorp. This is cowardice. We're running from the problem instead of fighting." "Or maybe he's doing what he thinks is best." "We're talking about the guy who beat the dark lord at age 17." "When and he's like 40 now so." "Who cares. Doesn't magic become stronger as you age and practice?" "I guess you have a point Al." "Look I just really want to see you and be with you Scorpius, all the time." "Albus..." "Come on Scorpius, we can be free." "My father's calling me, I've got to go." And with that he hung up on Albus.
"Mom, why did I have to fall in love with him?" asked  Scorpius. Draco did actually call Scorpius, as they were leaving. Draco had everything ready and an one way trip to Canada. They had a country house there from a vacation when Scorpius was three and Astoria was still alive. Draco wasn't going to fight again, especially on those who wanted blood. Nothing was going to end the Malfoy bloodline, he would make sure of that. Draco was fine with his gay son, he just wanted children and pushed that on Scorpius all the time. "Let's go now Scorpius." Called Draco for his son. Illivermony could take new students and everyone had already taken their O.W.L.S. and school had already ended for the year. Scorpius asked his father nervously, "F-father, why don't we fight instead of running?" "So we don't die now come on." said Draco said as he grabbed Scorpius' sleeve. Scorpius pulled back on his father's grip and asked another question, "You fought in battle right? So why don't we fight again? Come on father, we can-" "I was a coward okay Scorpius. I fought in the name of the dark lord and I tried to avoid him and battle at all costs. I was a coward who followed orders blindly as I didn't want to disappoint your grandfather. It would bring a lot of shame and possibly death to us, so Scorpius it is why we run. You come from a long line of cowards and we fight for survival. Now we don't have time for your petty things so let's go now Scorpius." Draco was in a state of paranoia and fear. He was a coward, but he also wanted what he thought was best for his son, eve if it meant breaking his heart to save his life. Scorpius wouldn't have that though, "Father I am not a coward and I will not run from the challenge faced before me. I will not run from this like you may, but I will stay." "What the hell Scorpius?! You could die and then I would be left all alone." said Draco who looked like he was about to cry. Scorpius realized without his mother and the passing of his grandparents, his father would truly be alone without him. Scorpius was torn between family and his lover. "Father I know you want me to stay but-" Scorpius didn't know what to say after that. HIs hear yearned for Albus and Albus yearned for him. Adjoined at the hip and an inseparable bond between them. That's what truly made their love special. Draco looked at his son and saw a younger him, spiteful and a bit rebellious. Then he saw his wife who smart and caring for others. Draco didn't want to tear the boys apart but a war would come and kill them if they didn't run. Scorpius asked quieter and calmer than before, "Father, if we run wo't others die in our place? Won't others be hurt in our place? Why don't we take that pain for all those who will suffer in our place?" Draco walked over and hugged his son. He didn't know all the answers, but he wanted nothing more than peace and to live out a quiet life with no major conflicts getting in the way again. Draco whispered in his son's ear, "We have to run to survive and I'm sorry for all the suffering that world creates on other's, but that is how we live here Scorpius. I'm sorry but we have to go. They're coming now." Draco took out his wand and whisked himself, Scorpius, and their luggage away. Their house elf, Ryuk, had followed them.

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