Why Me?

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Albus' POV

It's afterschool and I'm being scolded by father as if I'm five. He's also reprimanding the staff here for not alerting him I was awake. "Well dad sorry for being awoken at 6 in the morning." I snapped at him. He was furious, but all that rage came form a place of good. "Albus, you are in grave danger so we're being transferred to America." "America? Isn't that the home of the damned?" "It's the brave." "Still I don't want to go, Scorpius-" "Then make something work." "I'm not going." "Albus for once in your life listen to me." "Or you can listen to me and stop hiding. I'm your son and I have the same blood line as you and mum. Fiery and determined no matter what." Dad took a step back in shock of what I had just said. "Well Al, you still have to come because you're a minor and it's not safe." "Dad, it probably isn't safe anywhere we go. We'll just keep being followed until one of us is dead." I took a step forward at him. "Al as a parent I will do everything I can in my power to protect you from harm." "Well it's too late for that." I said walking angrily away from him with my fists clenched tightly. I muttered under my breath, "Stupid Dad. Trying to distance us apart. I'm not loosing him again, not ever." Then I ran into one of my bullies from Hufflepuff. "Oi, well if it isn't the pipsqueak from Slytherin." "Fuck off Claude." I tried to push him out of the way, but his 'crew' held me back. "You shouldn't of done that." "My father is here shit for brains." I said stalling for times. "Your father? Here? Now don't make me laugh. Why would he ever come for a disappointment like you?" He said mockingly. I grabbed my wand and said, "Avis." Birds shot out of my wand and I commanded them to attack Claude and his buddies so I could get away. I ran off in the daze and confusion of birds, not knowing where I was going. I hadn't realized I started crying as I was running away from the situation.
After several minutes of confusion I finally made it back to the common room. Luckily no one was there to see me cry. I slumped into one of the chairs and not my face in my hands. "Why me?" I asked no one. "Why me and not someone else?" I asked again, as if talking to an invisible person. Then I knew who I was talking to, "Why me Fate? Why not someone else?" Then a voice whispered back, "Because it is your destiny." This did not surprise me at all because Fate had been talking to me since I was three. "But why?" "Because wut was written that a Potter shall suffer because of the crimes committed in the name of good. All shall be punished if it deems right, good or bad. It makes no difference to me." Said Fate, who spoke with a deep voice, but only in whispers. Fate was not a person, nor could he be seen, only heard. "Fate, but why?" "You ask that a lot." "Because it's the only word that seems right." "Very well. Your father has killed and so has others in his name." "And I'm being punished for it." "Your grandmother killed for your father." "And what about his crimes as well as his followers?" "They're children are punished or their kin are punishment." "And if a blood line is completely dead." "Then a tragedy occurs in the world so as punishment may continue." "That's not fair." "Life not fair." "Because of you." I said sharply. "Hehe, you may be right Albus Severus Potter. A boy named after twin rave men and the son to another. Always trying to live up to the family name like his brother and sister." "You're just a voice in my head right?" "I only come when you call. Only come when called." "Then I'm not mad, right?" "Yes." "Then answer me this. The Malfoy family. They have killed in the name of the Dark Lord. How are they punished?" "Hehe, Lucius sees his grandchild. Draco's wife had died. Scorpius is with you." "What's that supposed to mean?" "You'll soon find out."
At that moment Scorpius burst through the door. "Albus?" He said with a concerned tone. "Go away." I said, turning away from him. "Albus..." he said, walking towards me. I got up and ran towards our dorm. I jumped on my bed and quietly sobbed to the soft rain that had just started to pour outside. I could hear the mermaids swim past us, going up to the surface  while it was wet. I heard a knock at the door, "Um...can I come in." Said the voice of my boyfriend. "Fuck off." "Oi you better not be doing that without me." He said with obvious sarcasm. I couldn't help but smile from the joke as he opened the door and climbed onto me. I played with his hair as I asked him, "So did my dad tell you?" He awkwardly grinned at me and said, "Yeah." I stopped playing with his hair and pulled the covers over my face. Since he was on top of the covers, I managed to only get the covers up to my nose. I rolled over, since I didn't want to face him. "Al, we can work something out you know." "Yeah, but I don't want to be without you." "Awe, so you do have a heart." "Piss off Scorp." I said with an annoyed tone in my voice. Scorpius managed to get underneath the covers and I felt him press up against my back. "Scorpius?" I said very confused. "Yes Albus." He answered. "What the hell are you doing? I said piss off so piss off." "My answer is I'm your boyfriend and I wanted you." "What?" I said turning to him. He shoved the Daily Prophet in my face before sneaking under the covers to my nether regions. "OI! Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, what in Merlin's beard are you-" before I could get my last word out I felt a pair of lips sucking me off. "S-Scorpius?" I said in a very flustered tone. 
Since I wouldn't let myself succumb to my boyfriend, it took a while for him to completely suck me off, really. It took about 10 minutes until I gave him my seed. When he finished  I pulled him by hair to my face and yelled, "The bloody hell was that?" "Distraction, like this." He lunged forwards and started to kiss me roughly. I tried to push  him off, but he disarmed me and tied up my hands. I had no control over my current situation. "Scorpius! S-stop this. This isn't helping." "Oh, but it will." "Ngh." I said as he removed both of our pants with a flick of his wand. "T-this isn't the Scorpius I know." "Oh, but I am." At that moment another Scorpius came into the room. "Albus?" the second Scorpius said. I looked at both of them and asked, "What in Merlin's beard is going on?" the second Scorpius released my hands, but my wand was displaced. I pushed the Scorpius who was on me off, as they casted for their pants back. They had fallen to the floor and while they were trying to get up the second Scorpius casted a spell that magically bound them to the wall. Scorpius had picked up the wand that similarly matched his. He also had collected mine and given it back to me. I made my pants reappear before scrambling out of the bed. I backed up into a corner in the turmoil of the nightmare one would call my life.

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