A Train Ride

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I have writers block okay.

They break and Scorpius lays on Albus as he plays with his hair. Scorpius says, "Accio journal." A black book comes flying from his bag and then Scorpius takes his wand and starts drawing in ink. He draws them, as they are, except they're kissing. Albus says, "Aw. It's us. Now I'm going to make that picture real." Albus leans down and kisses Scorpius and the blonde boy smiles. Scorpius takes out two chocolate frog packages, out of  fear from the trolley lady. Scorpius opens one and Albus opens the other. A frog jumps on Scorpius head and Albus laughs. Scorpius takes the frog and bites its head off. The two boys eat their chocolate, but Albus leaves some melted in his mouth. Albus kisses him and shoves his tongue in, making the melted chocolate enter the other boy's mouth. Scorpius sucked it off his tongue and broke the kiss. He says, "I love you." Albus laid down with Scopius on top of him. He said, "I love you too." Albus puts an at arm around him and start to ask, "Do you ever wonder about us? Now that our families know." Scorpius turns around and kisses Albus. Then he says, "Nope Al. Not anymore because I love you too much." Albus says, "I love you too. A lot." Scorpius takes out his quill and starts drawing lightly on the other boy. Albus asks, "What are you doing Scorpy?" Scorpius kisses him and says, "Temporary tattoo." Scorpius finishes and draws the same thing on him. He said, "Now we have the same one." Albus laughs and kisses the other boy. He takes the journal and writes in it, "Dear Scorpius, I love you. Albus." Scorpius takes the journal back and reads it. "Aw." He says. He kisses him on he cheek and Albus and Scorpius returned to their original position. Albus put one arm around Scorpius and took out his wand. They both knew they had already broken the rules, but didn't care. Albus just made blue burts of light come out of his wand. Then he made Scorpius' hair stick up. Scorpius says sarcastically, "Hey. Really Al? Thanks." Scorpius fixed it with his wand and then preceded to fake hit him. Albus grabbed his face and kissed. they continued to talk and kiss for another 10 minutes. Then Albus asks, "Do you think anyone else will find out? Or are we going to tell people?" Scorpius answers, "It's none of their buisness, plus don't worry about others, just worry about us, okay? We don't need others' useless opinions on us. I'm surpirised I'm not the one worrying about this." Albus laughs and says, "Yeah, I guess. I'm not going to let my family make fun of us, especially you." "Aw," says Scorpius, "That's sweet of you." "Yeah." says Albus. Albus decided to play a game with Scorpius. He said, "Hey lets make a story." Scorpius said okay and so they did.


Albus started and took out a piece of parchment. He diped his wand in the ink and placed it on the parcment. He said, "Once upon a time there was a handsome boy named Quinn." An image of a boy appeared. He was tall and had a well toned body. He wore peasant clothes. Scorpius continued, "He met a prince named Othello and they fell in love slowly. They admired they had feeling for each other at age 16, two years after they met." Another boy was drawn on and they two characters grew and were now kissing. Albums went on to say, "Their relationship was secret, but Othello's mother found out. She was a witch, a very powerful witch." A woman was drawn on screaming at the two boys and holding a wand. "But Othello was a wizard who fell in love with a muggle. Or so he thought." Continued Albus. "Quinn was actually a wizard himself, but never told Quinn. Since now he knew Othello's mother was a witch he used his magic against her, but Quinn was turned into a dragon because of that. He was cursed." Said Scorpius. A fight between the woman and Quinn was played, but the mother cackled as her son's lover turned into a dragon. Albus then said, "Othello killed his mother and escaped with his lover. Quinn was still himself, but now a dragon. Othello tried to turn him back but only failed. Only when he turned 25, he discovered how he could be with him." A big blast of ink made the woman fade, but Othello was seen sobbing. He grew older and then turned the wand on himself. A big blast happened again and Othello turned into a dragon. Then the trained stopped and the parchment fell down.
They had reached the school. Everyone grabbed their bags and headed to their dorms. When Albus and Scorpius finally got everything into place, they fell asleep in each other's arms. Albus kissed he sleeping boy's forehead and said, "I love you." Before passing out form exhaustion.

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