12 Grimmaud Place

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My refs were mostly mcr refs and Harry Potter and a little bit of Doctor who. I'm done with refs for now.

Also thank you 1Meep2meeps for being my most dedicated fan to this book. You are a wonderful human being.
Scorpius' POV
I help father as far as I could. Then the burning stopped. He got up and started to run. We ran until we came upon a strange building. He tapped on it with his wand and said, "From Black to Potter, Albus Dumbledore will never be forgotten." The building started to open and the gates started to pop forward. They stopped when a tiny passage way was made. My father started walking towards a dark colored door. I followed behind him. He opened it easily with a key. The key and lock kept on changing until the key was placed in the door unlocked.
I was pushed in and then door was shut. I banged on the door, "FATHER?! FATHER?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I already knew he was going to fight the death eaters who were after us. I sunk down, my back pressed against the door. Then, I heard a familiar voice, "Scorpius, is that you?" I "Albus?" I hear the sound of the shuffling of footsteps. I got up and there was Albus standing in front of me. He kisses and pushed me against he door. I put my arms around his neck and said, "I've missed you." He says, "So have I." I hug him close and then an old and scratchy voice spoke, "Blood traitors! All of you!" Albus said, "Kretcher make us a cup of tea." "Yes master Potter." He grumbled something under his breath. Albus let me go from our current position and walk. I heard the voice of a female, "Scorpius?" "Rose?" I ran and hugged her. She said, "Hey Malfoy." I said, "Wait if you two are here then is everyone else too?" Then I heard the snide remark of James, "Oi, you cheating on my brother with our cousin?" "James shut up." "Lilly careful, you almost pushed me off." "Well maybe if stop being such an insolent prick." "I am not." "Are too!" The bickering of those two was heard all through out the house. Hugo was behind Rose. He shouted up to James, "Oi eat  dung James." I laughed at the bickering amongst them.
I went to chat with Albus in private. I say, "What in the bloody hell is going on mate? Death eaters attack my house, my father's dark mark is moving again, and now-" Albus cuts me off with a kiss. He says, "Scorp, frankly I don't know what is going on either. Ask Rose about that stuff, not me." "Al, why did you kiss me?" "You were about to have another panic/anxiety attack again." I kiss him and pull his collar towards me. I let go and say, "Well thank you Al." I walk off and grab Rose. "Rose what's happening?" She rolled her eyes and said, "Apparently the death eaters are rising again and somehow some form of the dark lord is resurfacing. I don't think he really is confín back though." "Why?" "Because it is completely impossible for him to come back. Uncle Harry completely decimated him because they destroyed all of the horcruxes that were keeping him alive." "Then why-" "Look Scorpius I don't know everything but something is definitely happening if Uncle Harry's scar hurts." She walks off and I go back to Albus. I take a book and sit down by on his lap.
"Hey! I can feel you touching my arse you know." I say a bit irritated. "Sorry," he says, "Its just your arse is so....nice to look at and play with." I keep reading and I can still feel him playing with my arse. I lay down and put my head on his lap. He plays with my hair. I stop reading and look up at Al. I say, "I'm hungry." "For what?" He asks. "I don't know, food. It's almost dinner time." Al gets up and says, "Hey Kretcher, can you help make dinner?" "Yes master Potter." He says. "Go get Rose." Whispers Albus.
I run up the stairs and get Rose. "Were making dinner Rose." I say. She gets up and says, "Okay."

Albus' POV
Rose and Scorpius come into the kitchen. Kerr Cher has taken out everything I've asked him for. Rose says, "Everything out?" "Yep." We take out our wands and start making dinner. I ask Scorpius, "Could you set the table." He takes out his wand and makes everything fly into place. It takes all of three minutes to set everything. I say, "Kretcher go get everyone." "Yes master Potter." He walks off and I hear him mutter, "Blood traitors. All of them." I sit down next to Scorpius and Rose sits on his left. James sits next to Lilly, of whom sits next to Hugo, who sits across from me. Rose and I have made an amazing chicken and tortellini-Alfredo for everyone.

~time skip~

Rose's POV
I clean up with Scorpius. I ask him, "So how are you and Albus?" He looks surprised and says, "G-great." "You hesitated." "You surprised me." "Touché." He smiles and asks, "Why did you ask?" "Just curious." Then he asks, "Why did you hate me so much when we first met?" "Um....one you are the son of Draco Malfoy and our parents weren't the best of friends. Two, you were rumored to be the son of Voldemort, and three. Three....I may have had a tiny crush on you." He said, depressingly, "Oh...wow." "Scorpius-" "No, no! It's fine. I'm fine." "No Scorpius-" "Rose don't bother talking to me right now." He starts to leave but I grab his arm, "Look Scorpius I've gotten over it and now you're dating my cousin-" "Rose, why didn't you say anything back then? You knew I liked you! It doesn't matter now though seeing as I'm dating 'your cousin'. You speak as if he's lower than you! He's not. At least not to me." He storms or and Albus is standing there. Scorpius says, "You, me. Upstairs now." Albus runs and I walk to my room.
I'm reading and then I think abut the conversation earlier. "You knew I liked you! You speak of him as if he's lower than you!" I put my book on my face and say, "I'm sorry Scorpius. I'm sorry. I'm-What is that noise." I hear loud noises coming from Albus and Scorpius' room. It sounds like banging. Maybe they're gong something stupid. I bang on their door saying, "Keep it down." They don't seem to hear me. I bang on it again, "Keep it down!" Then I hear a loud scream of "ALBUS!" I open the door and I see Albus over Scorpius. They see me and Scorpius yells, "Rose! Ngh....get out...NOW!" I leave, horrified at what I just saw. My cousin and Scorpius.....oh my god.....Albus and Scorpius were doing...I have to tell Uncle Harry and Draco.

Albus' POV
I stare at Scorpius and say quietly, "Shit. I told you not to scream." He says, "I know that." He smirks and kisses me. I get off him and throw him his boxers and a shirt. I put on a shirt and my boxers, some pants, and a robe. I tell him, "I'll be back." I leave and yell, "Rose! Rose don't! It's not what you think!" "Oh yeah!" She says angrily and yet with fear and shock. "So you and Scorpius weren't just having sex. Underage sex!" "Keep your voice down." "No! I don't-" I cover her mouth and pull her into her room. I lock the door and say, "Mufflatio." I let her go after she bites me. She gets her wand and points it at me, "Albus Severus Potter, you are too young to be having sex." "Oh so now your my mum Rose?!" "Oh they will know." "No they won't because you're not going to tell them. "Oh and why is-" "Obliviate." "Oh not with that rubbishy tonight Al." She deflected the spell. I say, "Expelliarmus." We say it at the same time but now we're fighting with it. I am stronger and disarm her. Then I say, "Obliviate." She stares blankly at me and then says, "Oí, what are you doing here?" "Nothing. Just leaving." I go and Hugo, Lily and James are at the door. I say, "Obliviate." James dodges it, but Hugo and Lily don't. I say, "Kretcher, get Lily and Hugo upstairs."
Damn they heard. Well they couldn't have. Could they?
I catch James and pull him into his room. I call for Kretcher to fetch me pumpkin juice and veratasium. He gets me then and I pour them down his throat. I say, "Okay, what did you hear?" "Everything." "How?" "Door was open a crack idiot. You cast it on the door and yet we heard everything." I say, "James, please don't tell dad." "Then cast a spell on me." I start to say the charm but then James says, "Wait can we talk about this first." "Fine, but I'll remove your memory right after." "Fine." We shake hands and I sit down across from him on his bed. He says, "Great job Al. You lost your virginity." I blush and say, "Thanks." He asks, "How was it." "Dude its an arse, not a vagina." "Yeah I know thank dung head." I scoff and say, "To be honest it was....wonderful. I loved it so much. Scorpius is really good about it. It felt weird at first though, but probably more for him." "Hey did who suggested it?" "What do you mean?" "How did you two end up like that?" "Um well I heard Scorpius shouting at Rose about something, then he said angrily at me, 'You, me. Upstairs now.'" "Oh wow. So we're you-?" "Top." "Wow and I thought I was going to be the one to do the do first." "Yeah." We laugh and then he says, "Okay Al. You can erase them now." I put my wand to his head and say, "Obliviate." He falls fast to sleep and I tuck him into bed.
I go back to my room and hold Scorpius close to me. I whisper in his ear, "I had fun tonight." He smiles and says, "So did I." I smile at that and say, "Goodnight Scorpius. I love you." "I love you too Albus." We smile and I hold him in my arms until morning. He's mine and nobody can take that away from me.

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