Coming Out

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When Valentine's Day rolled around, the Potter's decided to invite the Malfoy's and the Granger-Weasley's over for a dinner. This is the day Albus and Scorpius...

When they were in a field, not far from where the house was. Albus was sleeping and Harry called them in for dinner. Scorpius kissed Albus awake and said, "Wake up my hansome prince." Albus smirked and woke up. He said, "Okay my angel." Scorpius and Albus went inside. Rose, Hugo, James, and Lily were in the house already, as well as Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron. Draco went near the fire and said, "My dear Asotoria. I will always miss you, especially today." He shed a tear as he returned to the table.


After everyone was finished. Albus said, "Um...e-everyone. Could we go into the living room?" Everyone got up and sat in the living room. Albus cloared his throat and held Scorpius' hand. They said in unison, "We're gay." Albus held Scorpius close to his body and continued, "A-a-and d-d-dat-t-ting." Albus took Scorpius upstairs into his room. He laid his boyfriend down on his bed. He started to cry into Scorpius, hugging into him. Scorpius was sobbing into Albus. Meanwhile, downstairs...

Harry dismissed the children, but James and Lily had a weird look on their faces, as did Ginny. Ginny said, "Harry, I've known for a while. Neville sent a letter. I burned so you wouldn't see." Harry was shocked. Ginny looked to Draco, who also looked shocked. Ginny asked, "Draco, didn't you get a letter?" Draco sighed, "I was drinking because I remembered Astoria. I must of never opened it or I burned it." Ginny cleared her throat, " the letter, Nevile wrote that Albus had his hand down Scorpius' pants." Draco and Harry yelled, "WHAT?!" Ginny put a hand over both their mouths, but then they all started arguing. Ron and Hermoine were not in this argument though. They were outside, but on the other side of the door was four children who were listening. Rose then asked, "What in Merlin's beard is going on?!" Lily explained and Rose said, "I though Scorpius was straight. Maybe not." She pulled out a book and read. She cuddled her younger brother near her. Ron and Hermoine were outside talking. Ron said, "Poor kids, I can practically hear them shake the house." Hermione said, 'Ron, lets help out the boys." Ron said, "But we're not their parents, 'mione-' Hermione cut him off, "I know that, but their parents are arguing right now. Let's help." Ron said, "I don't have a-" Before he could finish Hermione disapperated them into Albus' room.

The sobbing boys looked up from each other and saw Hermoine and Ron. "A-aunt Hermione? Uncle Ron?" Albus said confused. He got under the covers and hid his face. Hermione walked over to him and held him as he cried into her. She looked to Scorpius and gave him a hug, as he cried as well. She said, "Oh you poor boys. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Ron walked over and rubbed Albus' back and said, "Don't worry Al. Everything works out in the end." The screaming from downstairs stopped and three more adults appeared into the room. Hermione and Ron left  wit Hugo and Rose. Ginny locked the door and said, "Loves, um.. we've ben chatting and we've decided we're going to be fine with you two dating. We'll love you no matter what and wont try to change you. Right?" Ginny fired a tiny spark and then Harry and Draco said, "Right."  Draco said, "Scorp, you can stay here for the night, tomorrow you leave anyways. I'll be home if oyu need me, I have something to do in the morning." He disapperated out of the house and then Scorpius said, "Well I have my bag here." "Great." Said Harry, then he screamed at the door, "Oi! You two! BED NOW!" Footsteps scampered down the hall. Ginny left and said, "Get ready loves. It's time for bed." Albus and Scorpius got ready. Usually, Scorpius would sleep on an air mattress, but this time the two boys slept in the comfort of each other's arms


Ginny whispered to James and Lily before they left, "You two. Don't misbehave, don't out them, and don't do something stupid." She had a serious face and Lily and James ran to catch up their brother and his boyfriend. They all waved goodbye, but as soon as Scopius and Albus were out of site they kissed.

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