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I'm sorry this took so long! I've been busy with school and with finals and regents coming up!  Also I've had writers block so don't be mad.

Third Person POV
Even though only a few days had past, the threat of the dark lord coming back was great. Harry, Ginny, Draco, Hermione, and Ron had all retreated to the safety of the ministry before getting seriously injured. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in her office, deliberating on a plan. "A dragon Ron? Seriously how stupid can you be?" Snapped Hermione. "You're the one who married me." Yelled Ron. "And it's a great plan because dragons breath fire." "And we have spells to block that." Sarcastically said Hermione. "You two are just-" "Just what Harry? Just what?!" "Ugh, never mind. What if we sent out a small troop of aurors to actually see these attacks and/or capture a death eater." Said Harry, calmly but quickly. "That's actually not a bad plan Harry." Said Hermione. Then there was a knock at the door. "Ministress! Ministress!" Said the voice of her assistant, Jeremy Weaver. Hermione opened the door and asked, "Yes?" "I have a letter for Mr. Potter. It's from the headmistress." Hermione threw the note to Harry and shut the door. Harry read the letter silently. "Harry, what-" "I need Ginny now and a fireplace ready." "Harry-" "It's Al and I need to go." Harry took his coat and left.
He searched for his wife for a while. She was sleeping in his office. Harry opened the door violently and said, "Gin, we need to go now. It's Al. They're in Hogwarts." It had taken Ginny a while to full process what was going on. "Harry, how did they-" "Not important." "Shouldn't we-" "No. They need to stay here and protect the ministry." Harry threw down the green powder and the fire turned an emerald green. "Hogwarts." Harry grabbed his wife's hand as they left.
They rolled into McGonagal's office, where she was waiting. "Ah, Mr and Mrs. Potter. Hospital wing, dementor attack a week ago." McGonagal said calmly, yet quickly. "Wait?! WHAT?!" Ginny and HArry screamed at the same time. "We use owls not e-mails." sarcasically said McGonagal. She led the irrated couple to the hospital wing. It was quite late at night, so the castle was still and it was dark. The sounds of footsteps echoed down the hallow halls. McGonagal opened the door and said, "He's sleeping over there." She pointed to a boy that resembled a young Harry. Ginny and Harry walked towards their son. "He's been unresponsive for a week." The sleeping boy looked peaceful in his comatose form. "Al." Ginny said weakly as she stroked his hair. "Ginny stay here." Harry said as he motioned for the headmistress and himself to go outside. "A dementor attack? The were dementors and you didn't warn us sooner?" Harry said in an accusatory tone. "Mr. Potter, as I said before we use owls. Not e-mails. It takes a while for the owls to fly." "But you-" "We've been through enough Mr. Potter. We were in a hurry to help the other students Mr. Potter. Not everything around you and your family." Harry realized he's been selfish. Selfishly foolish for an auror. He realized he started to see the world revolving around his family and not realizing the people around it. Hermione, Ron, Draco, McGonagal and everyone else. All the people he effected and the devastation that lays in his wake. The chosen one and lives sacrificed in his name. Now his son was attacked. "Wait....why is he here?" asked Harry, concerned. "That is unknown Mr. Potter, but Scorpius Malfoy, Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley, and James and Lily Potter are here too. I'd advise you to ask Rose or Scorpius on what happened." McGonagall said, as quickly turned away to go to sleep. It was quite late at night. Harry returned to his son's side. He stroked his hair and said, "I'm so sorry for any of this Al. I'm so sorry." He kissed his forehead and grabbed his wife's hand to go back to the ministry to get some rest.
When morning came Harry woke up and so did Ginny. Everyone else was up as well. They informed everyone on where their children were and what had happened. "They are where?!" said Hermione angrily. Ron had to hold her back form hurting anyone. "'mione just calm down." said Ron, trying to calm down his angry wife. She was fuming mad, her face was red as can be, and she was gritting her teeth. "Hermione just calm down. I'll go down to see what happened. We don't was to draw too much attention to ourselves." "Fine!" She said harshly. Ron had let her go and she stormed off to her office. Ron had followed her. Ginny had left to read, to forget that how much danger they were. Now only Draco and Harry remained in his office. "Scorpius and Albus. Always getting into trouble. Reminds me of how much you caused trouble." "What?" "Oi, you always went looking for trouble. I tried to be your friend in first year and you turned me away. The only reason I said Weasley was garbage was because I was tryin to impress my friends." Harry was shocked at the stamen made by Draco. Was it true that he always got into trouble. "Trouble runs through your blood Potter. Your father caused trouble, you caused trouble, and now your children do as well. Face it Potter, you're never going to be able to avoid trouble." Draco got up and left for his own office. Harry just turned and took out his wand. He needed this to be quick and floo powder was not the most discrete way to travel. He disappearated to McGonagall's office.
"Mr. Potter!" McGonagall yelled shocked, "You scared me." "Sorry Minerva. Floo Powder not the best way to travel, this was faster." "I see." McGonagall said, "Oh and I have them waiting for you outside." She got up and opened the door. Rose and Scorpius were sitting outside with their heads down. Rose picked her head up and said weakly, "U-Uncle Harry...um." harry got up and hugged her. "It's okay Rose. I'm not mad, just tell me what happened." Scorpius picked his head up and walked to the other side of the room. "Um...well, we stayed at the house, but then we were fighting and then a dementor appeared out of no where. It was just there. I don't know how it got into the house, but we hid under the bed, but then Al got too close to the edge and the dementor started to suck the happiness out of him." Tears started to fall from Rose's eyes. "Um...and then we all quickly ran here. The dementors must have followed us here, because then there was a huge attack the next day and Al fell into a coma." Scorpius must have heard because he quickly stormed off, slamming the door behind him. Harry followed him. Scorpius stormed off and sat down in the stairwell. He pulled his knees into his face sobbed loudly. He mumbled, "I couldn't save him. I couldn't save him." Harry sat down next to him and said, "Scorpius-" "Go away." Said the teen. Harry persisted, "Scorpius I'm so sorry about this." "It's my fault." "No it's not. You tried your hardest." "I could have tried harder." "But you couldn't. You tried your hardest Scorpius, your father would be proud." "I let that dementor get to him." Scorpius got up and quickly walked away to go back to his common room." Rose ran out to go after him. Harry went back to McGonagall's office to thank her for her time and then left to go back to the Ministry. Harry was angry, someone obviously went after his family. He wouldn't mind if someone went after him, but his son. Now Harry would get his revenge, and revenge would taste bitter sweet.

Albus's Dream (First person POV)

"Oh Scorpius." I said as I ran my hands all over his body. I kissed him again. "Ah!" moaned Scorpius. I held his hand as I moved faster. I loved him so much. This was the ultimate bliss for me. "More...Al...harder." Begged Scorpius. I went in harder. I hit his sweet spot right on point. I sloppily kissed him again.

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