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Albus' POV
"AL! AL! AL WAKE UP!" Scorpius yells. "Damn, did I fall asleep?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. He says, "Yes. Come on." I run downstairs and see everyone by the fire. They all stare with cold, dead eyes. I ask, "What's going on? Why does everyone look-" then their eyes turn black and they take out their wands. I feel arms wrap around me as wands are held at my throat. "Scorpius?" I ask. I only the sounds of loud wailing. Then "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

(Idk how to make text appear as sound effects.)

GASP! I open my eyes and wake up. I gasp for air and pant heavily. "Al?! What's wrong?" Scorpius asks, peering in form the door. "Nothing Scorp. Did I fall asleep?" "Yeah." He says. I get up and fix my hair again. I walk out and Rose is sitting by the fire, reading a book. Lily and Hugo are playing wizard chess. James is- "Where's James?" I ask. Then out of nowhere, BAM! "AH!" I scream as I'm blinded. The light blinds me temporarily. I can't see, but I can hear footsteps. BAM! I slammed into the table. I fall. My eyes sting like they never had before. I feel like they're on fire. "James!" SMACK! "You bloody bastard! Al are you alright?!" I hear a voice ask. "Scorpius?" "Yes Al. Hurry Rose, find something." "I'm looking!" I feel tears form. They sting my eyes more. I still can't see. "Scorpius...I can't see. My eyes hurt so much. I feel like someone set fire to both of them and won't stop." I feel my hands being taken into a gentle grasp. I know that's Scorpius. I hug him and say, "Scorpius...help me." I close my eyes and feel my conscious slowly slipping away.

Scorpius' POV
"Al? Al? No no no no no no no! NO!" I scream. I get up and grab James' collar. I push him back against a wall. "YOU BASTARD! WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING JAMES?!" I yell at him. "Scorpius calm down. I was practicing a spell and then-" "BASTARD!" I scream, throwing him to the floor. I cover my face with my hands. What am I doing? What am I feeling? Rage? Anger? Sorrow? Fear? Or perhaps all four. This isn't you Scorpius, GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF!  I come out of my daze and walk towards Albus. James is currently watching the situation he has caused. I can hear him get up and run away. Useless. I pick Al up and put him on the couch. I say, "Rose, get me a damp towel. Lily go and check on James. Make sure he doesn't do something completely stupid. Hugo get me an bottle of rose petal essence and an eye dropper. Rose I also need crushed moon flower petals and a bottle of water and cut up nettles. Hugo get me some milk and a shadow leaf. " I take these things and make a potion to help Al with his blindness. The damp towel is to keep down his temperature. I blend the ingredients into the rose petal essence, water, and milk. The nettles are there for a way to make sure the other ingredients will mix well. The moon petals and shadow leaf are for his sensitivity to light. I shake the ingredients up in a small test tube.  Once the potion turns to a dark purple liquid, I take the eye dropper and open his eyes. I drop in 4 drops to each eye. Al please wake up. Please. I need you.

James' POV
Useless piece of shit. Fat lot you are. I storm up stairs in fear and humiliation. I'm no help. Always opening my big mouth, always doing something wrong. I'm no good here. I open the door to my room and grab my things. I shove them into a bag. I hear tiny footsteps. "James don't do anything stupid." I hear Lily say. "Why? I'm always messing up. I've even hurt you and Al. I'm dangerous." I say. "You're not dangerous, just ignorant. You cause trouble but you don't mean to. You are kind James, deep down you are kind." "Don't get cheesy with me Lily." "I'm not. For once in your life James, be a man and stop feeling sorry for yourself because there's nothing to feel sorry about! We are in the middle of a war and we don't know if we'll die or not or who's even dead or even if there is anything to fear! Pity, outrage, and fear are luxuries we can not afford right now, so man up or you can stay in here sulking!" She storms puts and slams the door close. We are in the middle of a war but are we really in the middle of a war? Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? Who is alive and who is dead? Why am I getting philosophical right now? Why am I asking so many questions that I know don't have answers? "AGH!" I yell in anguish. "No one had the luxury of outrage, pity, or fear. Not anymore." I get up and unpack everything again and walk downstairs. Why are they surrounding the couch? Then I see, "Al..." Scorpius looks at me with anger and fear. He's my brother Malfoy. I'm clench my fists, but I don't swing because I've already done Al enough harm as it is. I stare at him. "Is he sleeping?" I ask. "No he's just passed or for now." Says Rose. I say, "I'm sorry Al I have caused you so much harm to deal with. I'm sorry." A tear falls from my eye. I walk out to go and stay out of the way in my room. I need a nap after today.

Rose's POV
I never admitted to Scorpius I liked him because I was afraid to. Afraid that I actually like a Malfoy.
I've gotten over it, but that pit of regret still stays inside me. It's too late anyways to confess, even if I still liked him. Scorpius and Albus truly do belong together. Then we heard a groan. "Al?" Scorpius says, hopeful. Albus starts to wake up. "Scorpius? What's going on?" He tries to get up. Scorpius catches him so he doesn't fall. Once Albus regains lucidity he asks, "How long was I out?" "About 30 minutes." Says Hugo. I tell to go play with Lily upstairs. I help Scorpius with Albus. We heave him upstairs, to his-their bed. Scorpius says, "You still will be light sensitive Al." I turn off the lights for him. I say, "He's all yours Scorpius." I walk out and go to my room. I'm not over Scorpius yet, but-but I don't know what to do next. I write in my diary about Scorpius and how I'm falling in love with him again. "He belongs to Albus, I must not interfere. I can't. I won't. HEART STOP IT! ROSE THINK WITH YOUR HEAD!" My quill breaks from he pressure I put on it. Tears form at the corners of my ways and fall onto the page. "He's not mine heart. I don't want him, but I do. I don't want this but my heart, my heart wants what it wants. I don't want to ruin my friendship with my cousin or Scorpius. HEART STOP BEING JEALOUS!" I cry into my hands. What-what am I feeling? I don't want to feel this. I don't want this, but why do I feel like I want it. I DON' T WANT IT! I DON'T WANT IT! I DON'T WANT IT! "But I must have it."

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