Will Always Be Together

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Albus' POV
I lock the door and grab Scorpius. I kiss him sloppily. He seems reluctant at first, but then opens his mouth for me. I sip my tongue in and feel around his mouth. I pull Scorpius tighter towards me. I grab his ass. He breaks our kiss and I pull his shirt off. I continue to kiss him. I kiss form his lips, to his jawline, to his neck. He says, "What if they hear us?" "They won't. I promise." I continue to kiss his neck as he squirms with each touch. 

James' POV
I can't sleep. I'm so useless and not of any help to anyone, but I don't have the luxury of self pity anymore. Why am I even here anymore? I take my wand out and look at it. I point it to myself. I say, "Avada Ked-" "EXPELLIARMUS!" My wand is knocked out of my hand by Lily. She slaps me and says, "Don't ever pull that again James! Are we clear?" "Yes." I say sadly. She hugs me and says, "I'm sorry James we can't go outside. I'm sure mummy and daddy are fine. They'll always be fine, for us. Now cheer up. You are supposed to be the strong one here." "Yeah, but-" "But nothing. Now be the older brother I remember." "And who is that?" Do I really not remember myself? "Um...well he's arrogant, always teasing everyone, especially Albus, impulsive, happy, sharp, witty-" "Okay Lily, I get it. I'm a lot like dad." "And I'm like mum. Now we are Potters James, don't you ever forget that." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Live up to your bloodline as yourself." She walks out and skips down the hall to Rose's door. Live up to the Potter bloodline? Where is she getting all of this?

Lily's POV
I skip down to Rose's door as I heard a loud scream from before. Seriously, all the older people are going insane. They would probably all be dead without us. I see Rose shaking, twitching, and rocking on her bed. She's holding her knees to her chest. This one has gone insane. Rose is smiling creepily and her eyes are practically bulging out of her skull. She's muttering to herself, "Scorpius will be ours. I don't want him. Yes we do. No no no no no. Yes, yes! AHH!" She gets up and goes down on the floor, covering her ears. She looks up at me and says, "Help...me. AHHH!" She keeps screaming and crying and muttering strange things to herself. I walk backwards towards the door and yell, "James, Hugo....could you come here?" James' door opens and he walks out. I hear Hugo come down the stairs. They walk towards me and then per into the room. Hugo says, "She's gone mental. We need to get out of here." James started to twitch a little. I stare at Hugo, "We're probably the only sane ones left." "What about AL and Scorpius." "And them too, but were the most sane."  He nods and then- BAM! Rose pounces onto me. She says creepily, "The heart wants what it wants Rose. Find it. I will find it." Her left eye is twitching rapidly and that smile just got 2000% creepier. She scampers away to Scorpius and Albus' room. James is staring blankly at a wall for some reason. "He's contemplating life. Slap him." Hugo slaps him and James returns to normal. "Mate stop spacing out." Says Hugo. "Sorry." He says. I say, "Okay, Albus and Scorpius' room is on the third floor and we're on the first." We stare at each other with fearful expressions and then run towards the stairs.

Third Person (bc this is my story)
Rose has already ran half way up the stairs on all fours. Something snapped in her mind, but there still is a war going on. A war between her mind and her heart. Her heart thinks she wants Scorpius because now Albus has him. Her mind knows otherwise. Rose snarls like a werewolf and she keeps running. Lily, Hugo, and James are running after her, but are only moments behind her. When Rose approaches the door of her cousin and her friend, her sane self reemerges. She stops herself, banging into the door. Lily, James, and Hugo surround her as she says, "What happened?" Lily bends down to her, holding her hands and says, "You are completely mental." Rose looks shocked and then starts to be attacked by manic thoughts of Scorpius. "Carpe Retractum." James casts. The charm forms a rope that pulls Rose towards James. Then James says, "Incarcerous." Another rope binds Rose so she can't use her arms. James picks her up and walks downstairs. Rose had her wand in her hands though. Then the young witch casts, "Petrificus Totalus." James' limbs snap together, dropping her. "Arresto Momentum." Her moments slow down as she casts, "Relashio." The ropes around her unbind, but the two children run towards her. "Petrificus Totalus." Lily blocks the curse and casts, "Expelliarmus." Rose dodges it and says, "Ascendio." She flies high above her broter and cousin. Hugo casts, "Stupefy." It hits her and then she falls. "Arresto Momentum." Rose falls slowly again. The two children catch her, but she's really heavy. They drag her to her room downstairs. She's knocked out cold. They lay her on the bed and tuck the sleeping witch in. Lily says, "Stay with her." He nods and Lily runs off to perform a counter curse to unbind James.

Scorpius' POV
I kiss him again. I run my hands through his hair and kiss him again. His hands are still on my ass but I'm loving it. This new step in our relationship is wonderful and full of bliss and passion and love, so much love. "Albus I'm gonna-" I release onto him. "Ah!" I moan.
(Ladies and gentleman my fail attempt at avoiding writing smut. I'm sorry.) I fall onto him as he releases in me. "I love you." I say. "I love you more." He kisses my forehead and I move next to him. I say, "Hey Al, could you get my clothes? My ass hurts." He smirks and gets up. He throws my clothes at me as I get them on. He puts on his own and we leave our room. My ass still hurts, so I'm walking funny. We walk down the hall to see Lily helping James up. We ask, "What happened?" James scowls at us and say, "Rubbish you two. Rose is going insane, I'm doubting my self worth and then the only sane ones are Hugo and Lily. You two are just like there and shit." He gets up and storms off. Lily runs after him. Albus turns to me and shrugs. What the bloody hell happened? I walk to Rose's room with Albus, to check on her.  "Rose?" I say, "You alright?" She's crying and rocking on her bed with Hugo next to her. She twitches a bit and she raises her head. Then she says like a madwoman, "Mine." She pounces forward towards me. I block her with a spell. Hugo is trying to hold her back. He says cross, "Out now!" We leave, closing the door behind us. Scratching could be heard from the other side. Then we walk to James' room. Al opens the door. James currently has his head between his legs. Lily is rubbing his back. He mutters, "Lily tell me again, why am I any use to anyone here?" "James you are the oldest and probably the second most powerful one." "Second?" "Rose." "Oh yeah." He gets up and sees us. He says, "Al, we need to talk." I nod to say its okay, and leave.

Albus' POV
"Okay, I'm here. What do you need to-" "Al shut up." He says. Lily says, "Al, James needs to-" "Lily shut up. Shut up the both of you and listen. The only reason I feel like shit is because, ugh. I don't feel important or useful at all. Lily your like mum. Cool headed and feisty at the same time. Al, you're like dad. Having fun. Finding a person-" "James you're more like dad than me. I've gotten bullied because I was in Slytherin." I retort. James continues as if nothing happened, "Anyway, I don't feel anything in me. No hate or fear or sadness, just.....emptiness, pure emptiness." Lily and I come up close to James and hug him. Lily says, "James, you're our big brother, the eldest of the  Potters, and even if you don't feel like you mean anything, you do. We protect each other. We protect family, no matter what." James looks to us and then hugs us tight. He says, "Potters protect Potters." We smile and then a loud crash was heard. Scorpius, Hugo, and Rose came running in. Rose yelled, "We need to go now!" A loud wailing noise was heard. Then the door burst open. James used a protection charm to block the flying wood debris. I shut my eyes and held onto James. I crawled under he bed to hide myself from whatever entered the room. "Lumos." I said. Everyone was under the bed. I was curious as to what we were being afraid of. I crawled to the side. When I peered up at the creature it was the most horrifying thing possible for anyone to bear witness to.

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