An unexpected turn of events

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Families have a habit of making up without saying a word, 8am on a cold Sunday morning and we're all on talking terms again, as if the day before hadn't ever happened.
Mum watched sadly as Tyler packed the last of his things into the back of his old jeep.

"I'm going to miss having you around" she sighed sadly before giving him a hug "drive safely"

"You know me mum, always safe" he laughed which was met with an eye roll from mum.

"Come here" Tyler hugged me "sometimes love isn't all you need, okay?" he whispered just loud enough for me to hear before getting into his car and driving away.

I stood next to mum on our doorstep as we waved goodbye.

"It's freezing, let's get inside and you can help me pick colours for the gym"

I followed her back into the house and into the kitchen where she pulled out an insanely large file "where have you been hiding that?" I laughed, genuinely amazed at the fact that's she's been able to keep this massive file hidden, then again she is great at hiding things from me.

"The same place I keep my wine" she winked as we both laughed

A few hours passed by and as I sat in my pyjamas It dawned on me just how much we'd both missed out on, I hate to admit it but maybe keeping all that nastiness away from me at such a young age was for the best – if I felt bad about my dad now I can't imagine how awful I would've felt when I was younger.

"Hello, earth to Carly" my mother waved her hand in front of my face "you okay?"

I nodded "just thinking about colour schemes" I smiled

She didn't look convinced but I could tell she didn't want to push the subject,
"You do realise we've picked pink for everything?"

"And?" I shrugged

"Well" she sighed "do you not think it's a tad feminine?"

"Not really, but if it bothers you that much why not make it a female gym? I know I'd prefer to train without guys about"

"You're a genius!" she beamed

"I know" I smiled back which was replied to with an eye roll

The rest of the day was spent on the sofa and it was nice, nice to be normal for the day – or at least as normal as any person can be.

8:45am, Monday morning

All of the relaxation from yesterday disappeared as I walked into school, I didn't want to be here.

"Miss Johnson" Screeched the head

"Yes miss" I smiled whilst internally screaming

"Shouldn't you be in class?" she scowled at me

Before I could reply she continued "Do you think the lesson will wait for you? Because it won't miss Johnson"

"I know"

"No, you don't know because if you did know you wouldn't be stood here, would you?"

"I'll go"

"Chop chop" she clapped

"Chop chop" I mimicked under my breath

The day passed incredibly slowly and before I knew it I was sat outside alone for lunch, the only person stupid enough to sit outside in this weather – I liked it though, no one to bother me or so i thought.

"What are you doing out here? It's freezing" I turned around to see Tom "Do you mind?" he gestured towards the picnic table

I nodded and he sat down next to me

"How have you been, Carly?"

"I've been good, Tom. How about you?"

"Yeah, I've been cool"


We both laughed, our breath creating smoke trails in the cold air.

"Do you want to go on a date" he spoke quickly


"It's cool if you don't want to"

"I do, I mean I-I would like to go" I stuttered



We both laughed and it felt nice, like all the relaxation I had lost when I first walked into school had suddenly come back to me. I had been told, well warned to stay away from Colton and maybe this was the answer to all my problems – I couldn't be thinking about Colton if I was hanging out with Tom, right? Well I mean I'm thinking about Colton now but if I didn't think about him then this would all be okay – still thinking about him.

"You okay?" Tom asked snapping me from my thoughts "You seemed to zone out there for a minute"

"Yeah I'm fine"

The bell began to ring indicating that we had to go back to class

"What do you have now?" Tom asked as we walked back to the school


GOOD GOD! I've been gone for a while, haven't I? It's so easy to let a month turn into a year and then suddenly over 2 years go by.

I wanted to write this to let you know that this story is going to be finished, I'm not the same girl who started writing this story – gosh, I'm nearly 20 now!
Maybe it won't be finished right away but I'm going to give it a good try, I'm trying to delve back into the characters' lives and get a feel for each one of them again.

Once again I'm so sorry for being gone for so long

You can also get hold of me using the links below

The Jocks mate is the school nerdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora