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I always thought that stories like this were unrealistic, I mean who confesses their love for someone within 5 minutes of knowing them? Colton apparently.
I'm a seventeen year old girl playing a part in a storybook I've seen a thousand times before, boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after – blah blah blah.

I didn't want to fall in love with him and live happily ever after, it's ridiculous. No one lives happily ever after. I mean my parents could be the poster faces for a 'how not to be in a relationship' company, you know if they did companies for things like that.

My life had gone slightly crazy, Tom had asked me on a date, Colton had confessed his 'love' for me, oh and apparently my dad was a crazy, axe murdering werewolf. It all seems slightly unrealistic, doesn't it?

My phone began to buzz on the dressing table, lit up with Lauren's name.

"How many times do I have to call you, why have you been avoiding me, again" she snapped down the phone

"I'm sorry, I've just wanted to be alone"

"You're not the only one going through this, you know? Bradley told me..."

Her words began to fade out as I stared up at the ceiling of my bedroom, my life had gone from 'non popular' to 'socialite' to 'girls who sits alone outside in October'

"CARLY" a loud shriek from the other end of the phone snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm listening"

"What did I just say then?"

"You said that another girl tried to kiss Bradley" I tried guessing, it was the last thing she was angry about so maybe she was still angry?

"Lucky guess"

"So what happened?"

"I knew you weren't listening"


"I also said that I'm hurt that you would be avoiding me when I haven't done anything wrong" she sighed "you're my best friend and I don't want to lose you over all of this storybook crap"


"Oh come on, it's Halloween soon and I know that the whole 'werewolf' thing is just some kind of Halloween prank"

I could picture her rolling her eyes

"Lauren, I don't think it's a prank"

"Oh don't tell me you're part of it as well, oh my god is that why you've been avoiding me? How could you not tell me?" her voice seemed to get higher and louder with each word

"Lauren I'm being serious"

Her laughter filled the line

"A real werewolf, oh Carly you do make me laugh. If Bradley was a werewolf he would've told me"

"He has"

"I know he has animalistic qualities" she paused "oh wait I didn't realise you couldn't see me wink"

"How did you realise that?" I replied sarcastically

"Shut up, anyway, animalistic qualities" she laughed

"You're disgusting"

"Says you, you think werewolves are real"

There seemed to be no reasoning with her, I mean who would believe it anyway

"Yeah, I'm sorry about avoiding you, but it's been crazy"

"I missed you"

"It's been just over a week you sap head"

"You've been ignoring me, your one and only best friend and when I confess that I've missed you, you brush it off and insult me" her voice yet again began to get louder

"Don't be so dramatic, and I've missed you too"

"Good, now please will you sit with me at lunch tomorrow? You looked a right weirdo sat outside alone"

"Oh thanks for that, best friend"

"Sorry" she laughed "but I did see Tom with you"

"Yeah – how did you see me?"

"I looked out of the window"

"Carly?" my mum shouted from downstairs

"Lauren I'm going to need to go, mum's calling me"

"Alright, no avoiding me tomorrow, okay?"

"Of course, see you later"

The line went dead, I pushed myself up off the bed and walked towards the sound of my mums shouting voice
"I'm coming"

"Look I know you're still annoyed but you need to stop with all of this sulking stuff"

"I was on the phone to Lauren" I stood on the top of the stairs

"Oh, right, sorry"

"Its fine, can we talk?"


"About dad"

She sighed before turning on her heel and walking to the kitchen

"Mum" I called after her as I jogged down the stairs "please I just want to know more about it"

"Carly please, I don't want to talk about this" she leant back against the counter

"Mum please"

"Look I was young and I thought I was in love – I regret him but not my children"

"I'm kind of freaked out by the whole werewolf thing, like, how can a werewolf be real mum?"

"Exactly what I said" she pulled a chair out from the table and gestured for me to sit across from her
"Look Carly, it's not something I ever wanted you or Ty to know about. Tyler found out because he's ridiculously nosey and overheard me talking about it"


"The situation, look it's not important all you need to know is that he wasn't all bad"

"I thought he was evil?"

"He was but there was another side to him, the side only I knew – we knew"

"How did you meet?"

"School, he was the basketball star and I was the cheerleader – cliché I know"

"Just like Lauren and Bradley"

"I was a little smarter than Lauren"


"Well I say that but I obviously wasn't that smart because if I was I would've noticed your fathers double life" she sighed

"Mum" I reached across the table

"No, it's fine. So dinner?"


I wanted to know more but I could see she was obviously bothered and I didn't want to push it. She's told me more in 5 minutes than she has in my entire life, maybe this is the start of her sharing more.

She made dinner and we said no more about our previous conversation, but it was nice and relaxed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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