Game face

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I wanted to try it from another characters POV

I don't really know much about basketball due to the fact that the girls got banned from playing it when i was in school.


Lauren's POV

Lying on the bed in Bradley's room I stared up at the ceiling
"what's wrong" he asked



I sighed before sitting up and readjusting myself so i was leaning against the headrest. 
"Did you see Carly after lunch today?"

"No, she didn't come back to the gym" he said sitting up

"i hope she's okay" i said resting my head on Bradley's shoulder

"she'll be fine"

 "how do you know?"

"i just do"

Exhaling through my nose i began to worry

"how's training going?" i asked trying to get my mind off of the previous topic

"Good, Colton couldn't keep his mind on the game though and i threw a basketball at his face.."

i laughed at the thought of the bad boy Colton being smacked in the face by a basketball
"It wasn't funny" he said poking my side

"do you think you're going to win on Friday?"


"you'll do great"

"how do you know?" he asked copying my earlier question

"I just do" i said copying his earlier response

The week flew by and before anyone knew it the game was here.


I decided to go to the game after school, i spent the day avoiding questions and people mostly.
Lauren was on the court in her black and white cheerleading uniform doing some dance routine and singing a chant i really had no intention of learning.

The dance ended and the players ran on, they had warmed up earlier so the fact that they were currently throwing balls at the hoop eluded me.
The game started off well and we had more points so obviously that meant we were winning. Even i could work that out.

The halftime whistle was blown and people began to chat about the game and various other topics, Lauren spotted me in the crowd and gestured for me to come down. Reluctantly i shuffled through the crowd and walked down the steps towards the waiting Lauren.

I decided against going into the changing rooms and sat on a table outside using the excuse that i wanted some air, it was partially true.. i mean we need oxygen to live so it wasn't an actual lie.
The corridor was so quiet compared to the gym and it shocked me that that much noise could be blocked out by only doors

Thats when the peace was disturbed when I heard Mr.Monk talking to the team they were winning by a fair margin but I was not staying around to congratulate them the only place I could hide was in-between the large dusty lockers which cast an overhanging of darkness 

I sat there until I was sure they had all gone into the changing rooms.

When I finally got up I was covered in dust

"what are you doing"  

I spun around to see Tom, the dark haired boy with scars giving me a funny look

"I dropped my earring"

"you're wearing both your earrings?"

i reached my hand up to feel that yes, i indeed did have both earrings in.

"look if you're going to hit me, throw something at me or just embarrass me, please get on wit-"

He looked hurt  

"why would I do that"

"why wouldn't you"

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanted to see if you were okay"

"what w-why?"

"because I saw you hiding"

"ah that"

He laughed 

"yeah that"

He walked towards me wiping a bit of dust from my shoulder

"You're too good for him"

"who?" i asked confused by his statement

"don't act dumb"

"i'm not, i don't know what you're talking about"

"you will do" he said raising his eyebrows before walking into the changing rooms.

I decided against staying for the rest of the game texting Lauren before making my way home.

Me: Hey Loz i didn't feel too well so I've decided to go home. Good luck with your cheering and stuff x'

Minutes later a received a text

Lauren: omg carly.. why don't you stay at my house tonight?x
Me: Okay what time will you be back x
Lauren: about an hour x
Me: see you soon x

An hour later my phone began to ring
"Hiya" Lauren sung down the phone "you ready"
"Yep, i'll come over now"
"fab, i'll see you in a bit" she hung up as i grabbed my pre packed bag and walked out of the empty house and down the dimly lit street.
I arrived at Lauren's within minutes and was welcomed in by Lauren who opened the door before i even had a chance to knock.

She stood aside allowing me to walk in
"i have pizzas, movies, face masks and everything else you could need for a good girls night in" she laughed before walking into the front room, me following behind.

"Aren't you going to the big party?"
"ah no they lost so i'm guessing none of them are in the mood for partying.. drinking away the pain, yes. partying, not so much"
"they lost? i thought they were winning" I asked as i slumped down onto the sofa
"They were.. but Tom and Colton got into a fight and everyone was arguing and then nobody had their 'game face'" she rolled her eyes at this point "on and they lost in the final seconds by some home run or something" she said picking up one of the DVD's
"home run?"
"oh you know what i mean. It's all sweaty boys doing inappropriate celebrations when they've scored a point"
"true" i laughed
"so what movies do you have?"
"Only the best honey" she said laughing  


Chloe xx

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